Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

25 December 2016

Christmas Time

With the Christmas decorations on the background and this beautiful lady in front. Gracefully crossing the intersection in her brown and beige tones. Coat, boots, bag, impressive hat and even gloves...
We see her as this years Christmas Cycle Chic Icon !!! With her urban bicycle, outfit and the way of cycling she is everything that Cycle Chic represents.

Marry Christmas and Happy Cycling!

24 December 2016

Santa on the Roll!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 0245

Guess who's in town?! No snow yet so a cycle beats the sleigh.

Happy Cycling - and Happy X-mas!

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve today. And we wanted to share these two ladies. Both dressed in red. Both Cycle Chic.

Red coat and Christmas tree in the back. In the basket - maybe presents?

All red and mixed in different knits. In the basket - maybe presents as well?

Happy Christmas Eve Cycling!

16 December 2016

Friday Christmas Feeling

It is Friday already and Christmas is not so far away anymore. While we are out there spotting Christmas shopping by bicycle, we introduce you with this lady. Earth tones, red gloves and blue bike. Suits so good. Together with Magasin Christmas decorations this picture shows the real spirit of this wonderful time. Peaceful and cozy!

Happy Cycling!

6 December 2016

Cycle Chic Christmas Red


Red, leather gloves


Red, cotton beret 


Red beanie on a red jopo

P.S. spot the Danish flag in the back...


Red beret #2


Red scarf on red cheeks


& red beanie #2 

December has begun and bright, merry red is now easy to spot among the people on bicycles in the urban fabric of Copenhagen. Riding a bicycle can be the best way to spread the holiday cheer...

Happy Cycling!

23 December 2014

The Day Before X-Mas

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - 2014 - 0536

Cloudy. Colorless. Cold. But Copenhageners keep cutting through the soft mist to lighten up the street scene. No reason for the pratical to stay in opposition to the chic. Above cosy warm with black leather gloves and below carefully flung magnificant scarf!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - 2014 - 0535

Well tucked in to bring the last X-mas presents home:
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - 2014 - 0534

Looking great with sweater-on-sweater and a touch of scrict Scandinavian minimalist style:
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - 2014 - 0533

Up and away! Casual simplicity even down to gloveless riding:
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - 2014 - 0532

Happy Cycling!

15 December 2014

Christmas Tree Transport

Heidis Christmas Tree_2
Lulu and I were unlocking our bikes outside the school, ready to head home, when one of fantastic teachers at our school walked past the bike racks pulling a trailer. "Where are you going with that, Heidi?", asked inquisitive Lulu.

"I'm picking up a christmas tree on the way home and I'm borrowing one of the school's bike trailers."

I couldn't let THAT photo opportunity pass me by, so Lulu and I met Heidi at the flower shop where she was buying her tree.

Heidis Christmas Tree_1
After a classic Copenhagener discussion about how to position it in the trailer (every Copenhagener has an opinion on how to transport stuff by bike), Heidi went with what really is the best option. Standing tall. She tied it down a bit to be sure and then she was ready to go.

Heidis Christmas Tree_3
A few snaps of the camera later, and Heidi was heading home to the Nørrebro neighbourhood in the evening bicycle traffic with this year's tree.

I love Copenhagen.

For more photos of christmas trees transported by bicycle, have a look right here.

8 December 2014

Blurry Nocturnalness

Christmas Tree Going Home
Sometimes the nights are a bit blurry.


3 December 2014

Holiday Shopping Season

It's that time of year. For a lot of different things. We can certainly question the the all-powerful consumerism that is ever-present in our society, but that may be subject matter for another blog.

The fact is, people have stuff to buy in December. Lots of stuff. Christmas trees are among that stuff and over at you can see how THAT gets done by bicycle. Then there are presents, food, you name it. It all needs to be transported around. From A to B and on to C. In Copenhagen, a lot of that is done by bicycle, too.

The weather doesn't always work with you when you cast yourself headlong into the shopping frenzy, but a bicycle gets the job done.

Bicycle baskets serve their purpose on shopping expeditions.

Although a strong shoulder is functional as well.

A kids seat provides extra load capacity for the bigger stuff you need to get home.

The strap on the kids seats comes in handy, too. Then there is the back rack found on virtually every bicycle. That's what it's there for.

You don't always need to ride the bicycle when hungry guests are on the way,

Front racks are booming in popularity, meaning bigger stuff is coming home with you on your bicycle.

You get to contemplate your purchase all the way home, which may be a good or a bad thing.

You can, of course, plan early for the holiday season, starting your shopping in the summer.

For more info on transporting stuff by bike, visit

6 December 2013

The Cycle Chic Republic Calendar for 2014

Copenhagen December 2013
Just in time for winter. The first snow fell on Copenhagen today. The bicycles rolled on.

Almost by coincedence, we launched The Cycle Chic Republic Calendar for 2014 at the same time. It's the sixth annual calendar from us here at Cycle Chic and this year we have featured photography from a whole bunch of the great people with blogs in the Cycle Chic Republic.

Copenhagen December 2013 Christmas Tree
Almost by another coincedence, we spotted the first christmas tree of the season(of many) transported by bicycle here in Copenhagen.

24 December 2012

Christmas is the Festival of Hearts

Berlin Bike Light
There's an addage in Denmark at this time of year.

"Christmas is the festival of hearts." Indeed it is and indeed it should be.

It's Christmas today. So here are some heart photos to accompany Cycle Chic's warmest wishes to you all for a yuletime with focus on the heart. We hope your day, wherever you are, is filled with warmth and joy.

We you all.

Copenhagen Bike Love - Asphalt Heart

Barcelona Heart Street

I Heart Bike Culture

Hearts and Tattoos

Heart Shaped Bell and Condom

I Heart Copenhagen

24 December 2011

Christmas Trees and Bicycles

Christmas Tree Bike
It's the 24th of December. Jul in Denmark. Yesterday, this tree was heading to a good home on a good cargo bike.
Christmas Wrappin
And wrapping paper was being speedily transported to waiting presents in a bicycle basket.

Cycle Chic wishes you all a wonderful holiday season!

Christmas Tree Transport Christmas Tree Transport
Juletree - Copenhagen Yule Christmas Tree Bicycle 04
Long John Christmas Tradition in Copenhagen Felix and the Tree
Christmas Tree Going Home Copenhagen Yule

Of course, nobody says you need a tree to decorate... :-)

12 December 2011

Our Christmas Bicycle

The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle
So, it's the holiday season. In Danish, christmas is 'jul'. Christmas time is 'juletid', which the English language knows as Yuletide. It was orginally a winter festival celebrated from the end of December to the beginning of January.

Not being a fan of monotheistic religious symbols in my home, you'd think that yuletide was tricky to get around when you have kids. Danish tradition, however, has heaps of options. Elves and fairies are primary figures in December. My kids have four elves who show up on December 1st each year and hang out until the 24th, placing a present a day in their stockings and - as a rule - doing naughty things. Every morning the kids look forward to seeing what they got up to during the night. They'll raid the fridge and the cookie jar, turn the milk green, hide stuff in the kids' shoes, and so on.

Some years we'll get a tree, or we'll decorate in other ways. This year, however, we realised that that bicycle standing in the living room might just be perfect for decorating. If yuletide is about symbolism, surely the bicycle is a powerful symbol for all that is good for our cities and societies. If not one of the most powerful symbols. So, the beautiful, old Husqvarna bicycle from 1947 got a makeover.
The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle
Off we went. The kids decorated the Yuletide Bicycle this weekend. Adding evergreen branches, small elves, bits and pieces from the decoration box and they cut out hearts to put on the bicycle. The heart is another primary, and secular, symbol of christmas in Denmark, and it goes hand in hand with the bicycle. We actually love the heart so much, we put it on our Danish coins.

The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle
The kids did their own funky thang and went crazy decorating the bicycle.
The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle

The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle
Now all we need are presents to put under. Coming soon.
The Copenhagenize / Cycle Chic Christmas Bicycle