Showing posts with label celebrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrity. Show all posts

23 July 2013

Adjusting Hugh & Saturation

Adjusting Hugh and Saturation
I rode out to the airport in Copenhagen (which is no big deal) this morning, to meet this fine British chap, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. He was arriving from the UK to film a tv show about Copenhagen and Denmark and we thought it rather appropriate if we adjusted him immediately to Copenhagen life and saturated him in our bicycle-frienly city from the word go.

We chucked his bag in my Bullitt and he hopped onto a Velorbis and we cycled into the city centre - past Christiansborg (which the whole planet seems to know as Borgen, thanks to the television series), where I took this shot. I filled him in on all the aspects of a mainstream bicycle culture (which really is a non-culture), planning liveable cities with the bicycle as the most powerful tool for change, as well as the finer points of Cycle Chic.

2013-07-23 12.59.18
We rolled casually through the city, hardly breaking sweat as we pedalled and chatted and I delivered him to his hotel.
Riding Bikes to Airport in Copenhagen
It was almost orchestrated when we were leaving the airport and we saw this Copenhagen family arriving with their bags on bicycles, ready to head off on a summer holiday.

For Hugh, it was the perfect arrival in this fine city. Easing him into the city from the airport, down the cycle tracks that gradually grew more and more busy with bicycles as we got closer to the medival city centre. And all on a gloriously sunny day.

Welcome to Copenhagen, Hugh!

5 July 2011

Elvis Cycle Chic

We can't remember if we've blogged this classic shot of Elvis Presley on a bicycle whilst stationed in Germany with the military. Brilliant stuff.

30 May 2011

Bjarke Ingels Cycle Chic

Bjarke Ingels
We're not all THAT keen on taking celebrity shots but once in a while we grab a shot of someone well-known. In this case Danish (st)architect Bjarke Ingels, heading over Queen Louise's Bridge on his Biomega Pico bicycle.

Now we're well-acquainted with Biomega bicycles, but we're really wondering about this we spotted in Copenhagen:
New Biomega New Biomega 002
Latest prototype? :-)

14 May 2011


CNN in Copenhagen
CNN's Richard Quest is in Copenhagen with a film crew shooting an installment of Future Cities. Copenhagen is, of course, a future city. Quest looks dapper as always.

5 October 2010

Copenhagen Rock Star

Rock Star
Like every other country, we have our rock stars. Thank goodness for that. Imagine not having any at all. I spotted Steen Jørgensen in the city centre the other day, riding his bicycle like any decent Copenhagener. He is the lead singer in the band Sort Sol [Black Sun] which was a legendary punk band before moving into post punk, goth, and industrial music.

The man is, in my opinion, outrageously cool and everything a rock singer should be. The fact that he only has one arm doesn't stop him from riding around Copenhagen on his bicycle, smoking a cigarette.

8 September 2010

Muppet Cycle Chic

I'll just let the moving images do the talking because while it's lovely Cycle Chic, it's also a bit strange...

31 August 2010

Boris and Kelly in London

Here we have the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson promoting the upcoming Skyride in the city with Kelly Brooks. Ms Brooks has clearly understood the very simple concept of Cycle Chic, as has Boris.

Alas, the journalist at the Metro newspaper who wrote this article clearly hasn't got a clue. Poor thing.

23 August 2010

Bicycles in Films of Late

I saw a great film on a flight recently, called Wild Target and starring Emily Blunt and Bill Nighy. It's a comedy about a con artist and a hitman but there is a brilliant Cycle Chic sequence where Blunt's character rides a lovely bicycle in a smashing ensemble. I found the photo of her, above, on this website.

Our reader Yvette sent us the link to this trailer for a new Canadian indiefilm that also features bicycles in cracking Cycle Chic style.

Another great film that features bicycles is the Canadian film Monkey Warfare, which we blogged about last year.

Remember: Bike is the new black.

16 August 2010

Britney 4Life

Britney 4Life
We have no explanation for this strange and elaborate personalisation job on this bicycle. Brilliant, bizarre. Spotted in the Vesterbro neighbourhood.

14 March 2010

Cycle Chic Meets The Royals

Dreams on Wheels - Princess Cycle Chic
Bear with me while I'm still in México mode here on Cycle Chic. There was a slough of brilliant events and here's the tale of one of them. The exhibition Dreams on Wheels - Danish Cycling Culture for Urban Sustainability was opening in Mexico City, which was one of the reasons I was there. The exhibition is brilliantly curated by Thomas Ermacora for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Danish Embassy arranged for Prince Joachim and his French wife, Princess Marie to do the ribbon cutting.

The event started with a little VIP 'bike ride' with the Royal Couple, the Danish ambassador, the Mayor of México City Marcelo Ebrard, the Environment minister for the city, Martha Delgado and... um... me. Strange but true. There were another group of dignitaries behind us and about 20 secret service boys 'protecting' us. All of us on bicycles.

From the Mayor's office on Zocalo we rode down to the City Museum. The streets were closed off for the high security affair. I rode alongside Princess Marie and, about halfway along the route she asked me how far we were riding. I pointed up ahead at the waiting mob of press and smiled, saying, "not that far".

We pedalled for abou 400 metres in total. On completely deserted streets completely and utterly sanitized for 'danger' and traffic by metal railings. Which makes the fact that the five others wore helmets a serious case of overkill. Indeed, the Prince, upon arriving at his designated bicycle, saw the helmet and muttered in resignation, "I suppose we have to..." Five helmets surrounded by dignitaries and security men without, on empty streets.

Anyway, 400 metres was hardly time enough to shoot more than a few photos and a bit of film. The above photo is Princess Marie on her Biomega bicycle, looking splendid only ten months after the birth of little Prince Henrik. The Princess is French and her origins can be revealed in her 'heel on pedal' cycling style. As any Danish girl will attest, when cycling in heels you use the sole of your foot on the pedal and don't hook your heel onto the pedal. But we'll let that go. It was only 400 metres and we coasted halfway. :-)

Anyways, here are some photos taken by our photographer for the different events in the city, Kenny Viese. Me looking like a secret service-y kind of guy behind Princess Marie; the three of us rolling up to the Dreams on Wheels exhibition at the City Museum; and, in the two bottom photos, me giving the VIPs a guided tour of the exhibition.

Upon arrival, there were speeches to commemorate the opening of the exhibition. I started the ball rolling, followed by Prince Joachim, Enivironment Minister Delgado and Mayor Ebrard. Then the ribbon cutting and the VIP tour of the exhibition.

All in all it was fun. You get stressed by the pomp and circumstance and the prescence of a small army of security people, but at the end of the day it was a laugh.
Dreams on Wheels Political Correctness Dreams on Wheels Hofmarshall and Security
Here's the group of us stopped at one of three red lights on the bike ride [the streets were closed and we stopped at red lights...] and here's a photo of the charming Lord Chamberlain on the left and security guys on the right. Note the armada of cars, including an ambulance, following us.

All in all it was an interesting, fun and good day for Mexican and Danish cycling culture and for Cycle Chic/Copenhagenize.

Here's a little bitsy film about the whole shebang:

Here's my brief speech to launch the opening of the exhibition:
Your Royal Highnesses, Mr. Ebrard, Mrs Delgado, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Welcome to Dreams on Wheels – Danish Cycling Culture for Urban Sustainability. The exhibition has been shown in 18 cities in 14 countries, with many more scheduled this year. We are pleased that it has arrived in Mexico City.

About 130 years ago a machine was invented. It has been called the most efficient machine in history. Poems, songs and books have been written about it. It transformed the face of human society within years of its invention. Liberating the working classes. Liberating women.

The humble bicycle.

Personally, I was pleased when I heard that the Danish Foreign Ministry had chosen the bicycle for this exhibition and for a symbol of Denmark. The bicycle is human. It is right there on the streets carrying Citizen Cyclists from A to B. It is the lead instrument in a human-powered symphony of movement. The soundtrack of a truly liveable city.

The bicycle is a symbol of Denmark and Copenhagen and it's become a symbol of sustainability everywhere. It is people who inhabit our cities and towns. People that form the fabric of life. The bicycle is a fantastic tool for making our cities simply nicer places to live. We're proud to show you what we have achieved in Denmark. It is our hope to inspire.

Thank you to all of our sponsors who have made this exhibition possible. Thank you to the City of Mexico City for inviting us and providing this amazing venue. Enjoy the exhibition.

For more info about Dreams on Wheels.
And the Dreams on Wheels Mexico website.

I'll shut up now.

23 January 2010

Cycle Chic Celebrity Update

It's been a while since we've had a little celebrity update. We do it once in a while to illustrate just how much the Cycle Chic Movement is catching on. Elegance on two wheels is transforming the way we view the bicycle as well as transforming our urban landscapes.

Feel free to name the celebrities, if you can, in the photos in the comments section.

Regular programming will now resume.

12 January 2010

All Round Cycle Chic

Copenhagen Winter Cycling Clothes
Let it snow. It doesn't stop the bicycles and, more importantly, it doesn't stop the cycle chic.
Winter Music
Your own personal soundtrack to accompany the ballet of human-powered transport is a must.
One and Two
Quite possibly the loveliest way to be overtaken whilst commuting. Two girlfriends enjoying a lively natter moving past you on their bicycles. Even if you don't know them and will never see them again, this is one of the brilliant aspects of urban cycling - the human factor. The close promixity to your fellow citizens, the sound of human conversation. You cycle through the city and, in thanks, the city reaches out and embraces you.
Brian Holm and Jesper Worre
I went for a bike ride the other day with a number of people. Among them were two former professional cyclists. Brian Holm, who lives down the street from here, and Jesper Worre, who is now head of the Danish Cycle Union and who runs the sports side of cycling in this country. Brian was looking all Copenhagen dapper and riding a beat up old Kronan. A bike that compliments the family's workhorse Nihola cargo bike. A far cry from the feathery-light bikes he used to race but perfect for Style Over Speed Cycle Chic.
Winter Rush Hour
And finally, a quick glance as some bicycle traffic. Wave after wave roll through the city.

27 June 2009

Thank You, Farrah Fawcett

As a boy growing up in the Western World in the 70's and 80's, Farrah Fawcett was a difficult pop icon to avoid. I certainly didn't avoid her. Au contraire. All weak in the knees and what have you. While I preferred the other Charlie's Angel, Linda Whatshername, Farrah was everywhere, especially in my boyish heart.

Combine the legend of Farrah with retro bicycles and... oh dear me.

18 June 2009

Crispy Cycle Chic Advert

Here's another cycle chic advert featuring former footballer Gary Lineker and Cat Deeley for Walker's crisps. It's a spoof on the famous bicycle scene in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You can see the original here in the post about it when Mr Newman passed away last year.
Thanks to Nipper for the link.

In other news, is reporting that the "The Copenhagen-ization of New York City continues apace..." after TopShop has opened in NYC with a Bike Club:

17 May 2009

Paris Cycle Chicesque

There's a couple of lovely bikes in this video. Apparently.
Make the Girl Dance with ""Baby Baby Baby".

And here's the Dutch actress with the Danish name, Famke Jansen, doing Cycle Chic a favour in New York City.

29 March 2009

Celebrity Cycle Chic Update

Jessica Alba on a Paris Vélib' bicycle. Read about bicycle culture in Paris here.

Zoey Deschanel. So very Copenhagen. Except for the vacant, surprised look.

Not a celebrity, but a smashing outfit from the charming Style From Tokyo streetstyle blog.

Brad Pitt on an invisible bicycle. Good fun from the site featuring ap piece on celebrities on invisible bicycles.

7 March 2009

From Bergen to Poland via Austin and Vancouver

The Norwegian singer Silje Nes, from Bergen, has a wonderful press photo. Cycle Chic to the max, even though 'to the max' is a mad retro expression. Check out Silje's Myspace. Even though Myspace is rather last century, Silje is definately now.

Cracking delicious funkaliciousness from, believe it or not, Austin, Texas. From a travel article in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen.

As ever, you've seen it here first. Coming soon to other blogs near you. Thanks to one Norwegian, Per, who wrote about Silje in Dagens Næringsliv and another Norwegian, Morten, for the Austin photo. Morten is the head of the Icelandic Cyclists Federation.

Here's a shop window for a Canadian clothing company Le Chateau, as seen in Vancouver by Lisa:

A little splash of Cycle Chic on the West Coast of Canada. Every little bit helps towards normalizing urban cycling.

And on the booming Polish Cycle Chic front, Lodz Cycle Chic have a correspondant in Copenhagen at the moment. Check out the Lodz angle on Copenhagen Cycle Chic here. And a warm Cycle Chic welcome to another blossom on the Cycle Chic flower - Wroclaw Bicycle Chic. We're blowing you kisses across the Baltic Sea.

Add Wroclaw to Warsaw Cycle Chic and Krakow Cycle Chic.

Boy, do I ever need to set up a Cycle Chic blogger conference. Not so much chat, just a lot of good wine, cocktails and dancing. What a party that would be. Marc from Amsterdamize will foot the bill.

14 February 2009

New York Dane - Cycle Chic NYC

Ane Trolle in New York City
Photo © Copenhagen Cycle Chic / Theis Mortensen

A lovely shot of the Danish singer Ane Trolle in New York City. Cool girl on a cool bike. Ane sings in Ja' Confetti and she has feat. on Trentemøller tracks, too.

My mate Theis took this photo of her in New York City. Theis is a cinematographer and we're currently shooting 22 episodes of a science programme for kids called Volt [premiere in Denmark this Sunday on TV2 at 09:25 if you have kids between 6-10 years old!!], which is why I haven't had time to reply to all your lovely comments as of late.

This quote was posted in my Slow Bicycle Movement Facebook group. Quite brilliant and quite an apt description of Copenhagen and Cycle Chic, as well:

"The secret of riding a bicycle as an adult is to pedal just hard enough to keep the machine upright, then to increase speed very gradually, but without becoming too breathless to hold a conversation or hum a tune."

From The Discovery of France by Graeme Robb.

20 January 2009

Have a Lovely Day, Mr Obama

Mr Obama in an early bicycle moment.

While we're at it... Mr Carter in a more recent bicycle moment.

18 January 2009

Celebrity Cycle Chic

It's been a while since we have featured some celebrity chic. Here we have the Canadian actress Ellen Page looking absolutely smashing in true Copenhagen Cycle Chic fashion.

And Cycle Chic's international audience may not be acquainted with the Norwegian author Per Asbjørn Risnes Jr. but I am since he is a mate of mine. This photo of him and his daughter was a publicity shot for one of his books, 'Verdens beste pappa' or The World's Best Dad. He writes for the Norwegian version of Financial Times, Dagens Næringsliv. Besides all that, it's just a cool photo.

Addendum: A comment spurred me to include info about the bike seat, above. They're widespread in Denmark and Holland and in Denmark we call them bulldogs. When the kids are younger you can strap their feet in. When they get older there's a bar you slap onto your frame so their feet can rest on them.

The seat on which they sit is detachable so you don't have to ride with it when the kids are not on the bike with you.