Showing posts with label cartoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartoon. Show all posts

23 January 2013

When Cycle Chic Rides in Other Cities

A fine artistic representation of how we feel like when we cycle in Emerging Bicycle Cultures. An illustration by the artist Peter Diamond - as spotted on our friends' site Curitiba Cycle Chic.

9 November 2011

Tissue Chic

Cute little advert featuring a bicycle.

21 January 2011

Tall Unicycle

Just got an email from Jenny at Barrel NY. They've created this lovely limited edition poster called Tall Unicycle. There are 35 of them, signed and numbered. Check out the website to see the whole poster. It's too tall for this blog... :-)

8 September 2010

Muppet Cycle Chic

I'll just let the moving images do the talking because while it's lovely Cycle Chic, it's also a bit strange...

31 August 2010

Felix Made Me a Drawing

Cycle Chic by Felix
The Boy Wonder whipped together his own interpretation of Cycle Chic and gave it to me. Brilliant.

6 December 2009

Historical Cycle Chic

The Holy Antonius' Last and Greatest Temptation
This is a cartoon from 1899 featuring The Cycling Girl that had [still has - just look at this blog] such a massive impact on society. The text reads:

"The Holy Antonius' Last and Greatest Temptation". A cycling girl offering him a ride on a new-fangled tandem bicycle. The man was sold.

Tuborg Advert
Vintage Danish Tuborg beer advert featuring, yet again, the iconic cycling girl.
"A Tuborg tastes lovely on a bicycle ride!"

This latter advert features in a new exhibition at the Copenhagen City Museum called Copenhagen by Bike. All about the history of the bicycle in Copenhagen. I was involved in the exhibition and have a number of photos in it. You can read more about it here on, including how to get there if you're in Copenhagen. It runs until June 2010.