Showing posts with label byliv in copenhague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label byliv in copenhague. Show all posts

3 December 2014

Portraits of Cyclists: Mathilde - “This is Copenhagen!”

Mathilde - Portrait

I'm from Copenhagen. I bike to work every day. I've always got a classic city bike like this one.

I really appreciate cycling on this bridge. Sometimes, here on Louises Dronning Bro the line of bikes waiting at the traffic light is longer than the car one. I don't know exactly what to say about that, but this is Copenhagen!

Photographers and journalists often film this bridge since it is always full of cyclists.

Do you have a specific memory from your childhood relating to cycling?”

My parents got divorced but for one of my birthdays they both celebrated it with me and they offered me a bicycle. I still remember very well this birthday and this bike.”

2015 is just around the corner, it's the moment to get your Cycle Chic Calendar. It is available here and it will arrive on time for Christmas.  


More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

12 November 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Mie: “My first bike trip on a cargo-bike was the safest bike ride I've ever had.”


"I live in the borough of Vesterbro in Copenhagen. I cycle every day with this vintage mid-race bike."

"What is your favorite route in Copenhagen?"
"I love the route I cycle to go to work. I ride through my borough, which is very lively, and then I cross the harbor using nice bridges. During this commute I get many experiences in one.”

"What is your most unforgettable memory related to cycling in this city?"

"My first bike trip on a cargo-bike was quite an experience. A while after I settled down here, I borrowed a cargo-bike. I cycled very slowly because I was afraid it could tilt. But nothing happened and I realized that it was the safest bike ride I've ever had."

Mie - Portrait

Mie - Bell

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

5 November 2014

Portraits of Cyclists - Isabel: “In Belgium, when I cycle from one town to another, I just follow the canal”

Isabel - portrait

"I'm from Ghent in Belgium. I'm in Copenhagen for a couple of days to visit the city.

I'm used to cycling in my own city but in Ghent we don't have these completely separated lanes. The tram in Ghent makes cycling in the city a bit more complicated, especially when it rains.

In Belgium, I cycle often from Ghent to my parents' town. It's 35 km away from Ghent but I just have to follow the canal. Sometimes, on this track, I run into my friends who are heading back to their hometown, too, and we cycle together."


Isabel  - detail

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

29 October 2014

Portraits of Cyclists - Sofie: “Copenhagen has a nice dynamic thanks of the cyclists riding in the streets"


“I'm from Copenhagen. I cycle every day with this second-hand bike. Cycling does cost anything and it's a good way to exercise, so I don't even have to think about going to the gym.

I like cycling in Nørrebrogade, since the bike lanes are extremely wide. I also appreciate cycling along the lakes, on the bike lane covered by the trees.

I think that in Copenhagen, you have a nice dynamic thanks of the cyclists riding in the streets and you don't find it in other city.”

“What is the funniest memory from your childhood related to cycling?”
“A friend and I liked riding our bikes without the hands on the handlebar. But an old man living in the street was always annoyed seeing us doing that. He was always shouting that it was dangerous and he did not want to call the ambulance. But we never stop doing it."

Sofie - portrait

Sofie - Bag

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

22 October 2014

Portraits of cyclists : Learning to cycle at 12 is considered as “very late”


I from Copenhagen. I bike to work almost every day. Actually, it can depend on the weather. I cycle around 15 kilometers.
I'm a manager at Nike, so I must be well dress-up when I go to work on weekdays.”

What is your favorite route in the city?”
Definitely, where there are the less people.”

What is the first memory which comes to you mind related to cycling and your childhood?”
I was 12 when I learned cycling, and this is considered to be very late. So, I remember that I was very embarrassed.”

Nike - portrait

Nike - basket

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

15 October 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Mads: “It's a bike from the 70's”


Where did you get you nice Peugeot race bike?”
I bought it when I started working as a carpenter. The workshop was 20 km from my home. I preferred biking than taking the bus, in order to manage my own time. So, I bought this race bike. It's a bike from the 70's, I think.

To finish, I just would like to suggest that people should bike more.”

Mads - Portraits

Mads - bike

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

8 October 2014

Portraits of cyclists : A story of bike and happiness


I have been living in Copenhagen for many years. I cycle here every day with my purple bike. Actually, I live a little bit outside the city, 7 km from here (the city-center). I work at the Royal Theatre.”

Do you have a favorite route when you cycle through the city?”
Of course! I like to bike in the center. The atmosphere is so cosy and the streets are full of people.”

Have you noticed that here we're in a bicycle street? Cars must follow the pace of the cyclists.”
No. But it's really interesting.”

Your bike and your earrings are the same color.”
It's not a coincidence. I like pink and purple. I receive lots of compliments about my bike. People don't hesitate to tell me that seeing a purple bike makes them happy. It happened to me a couple of time. I didn't know these people, they just came to me - quite often when it was a grey day - and they said “I'm sorry... but I would like to say... your bike... it makes me so happy”. So, I replied that I'm really happy too. It gives me lots of good energy.”


More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH

1 October 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Leila: “If I have to take the train, I take my bike with me”


I'm from the suburb of Copenhagen and I cycle about 10 kilometers every day with this comfortable bicycle.

I bike everywhere, even when I'm out of town and when I'm traveling. If I have to take the train, I take my bike with me. I do it to save time and not to wait for the bus.”

Leila - portrait

Leila - detail

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

24 September 2014

Portraits of Cyclists - Vintage Outfit Woman: “I like 40's/50's outfits and it fits cycling”

40's cyclist - portrait

I'm from Copenhagen. I cycle every day with this kind of skirt. I like the late 40's / beginning 50's outfits.

I work in a clothing store named Mondo Kaos (in Nørrebro). We sell new clothes inspired by the 40's/50's. It's very vintage inspired.

I like this look since it's very feminine and it fits cycling.”

40's cyclist

40's cyclist - detail

More pictures on Byliv in Copenhagen.

22 September 2014

Portraits of Cyclists in Paris

Vélib was free of charge that day since the level of pollution was above the Health organisations recommended thresholds. 

Paris has changed a lot during the last couple of years. One of the changes I - Clotilde - noticed during these very sunny and warm days of September is the number of cyclists in the streets. Bicycle users are everywhere in the French capital. Most of all, cyclists can be young students as well as retired people; women or men; they wear suits, nice clothes and only a few wear an helmet... they are Citizen Cyclists. They bike to work and do not seem so afraid of crossing major car-centric intersections. They look like all the Parisians, they want to get around town as fast as possible. They are go-getter, intrepid, they live with risks around them but remain chic.

But can Paris reach 15% of modal share by 2020 without questioning its bicycle infrastructure?

A little thought from my side: Bicycle users are already increasing in high number out there, so hurry up and build wide, separated, well-maintained bike tracks for them if you want to reach your goal.

I had a discussion with two very different people who cycle often even though the bike infrastructures are limited. Either complaining or not.

François riding a Vélib

"I'm from Paris. I ride a Vélib very frequently. Let's say every day. Actually, it depends of the weather, it depends of the hills and of the length of the trip. If I go to a meeting on the other side of Paris, I take the metro. Generally speaking, I cycle around 15 or 20 minutes."

"I see more and more people cycling in Paris. Why did you decide to use this mode of transportation?
"It's clearly because of the Vélib service. It's make it's much easier to get around by bike."

"Do you want to buy your own bicycle?"
"Definitely not. I don't want to bother myself with a bicycle and the Vélib subscription is cheap."

"What do you thing about the bicycle infrastructure?"
"There are OK. I'm aware that cycling in Paris in dangerous. Every morning when I'm biking to work, I'm thinking that I should be more cautious. I think about  my children. It's like leaving for the battlefield.

"I don't get it. You're glad to cycle, you even cross one of the busiest intersection in Paris while eating your croissant but you have the feeling that cycling is dangerous...."

"Let's imagine that the City of Paris decide to invest significantly in bicycle infrastructure, would you agree?"
"No, the infrastructure are good enough."

François - vélib

Parisians seems to be more confident riding Vélib now. They even eat their croissant while cycling.

Mathilde riding her personal bike
Mathilde - portrait

"I'm from Paris. I cycle almost every day. I work at home but when I go to a meeting, most of the time I go by bike. I avoid the metro as much as possible."

"In which district of Paris do you cycle?"
"I'm a kamikaze cyclist and I go across Paris even. I live in north-east of Paris and go often in the south to work. In this case, I cycle 15 kilometres."

"What do you think about the bicycle infrastructures?"

" There is a lack of bike lanes. Most of all, there are not well-designed. Sometimes, I avoid cycling on the bike lanes since there are full of waste. When the machine clean the street for the cars all the waste are pushed on the bike lanes."



Compare to Copenhageners, Parisians are used to cycle in dense car traffic but they stop as soon as the weather is deteriorating.




10 September 2014

Portraits of cyclists: Sarah: “I wanted to support a Danish brand”

Sarah - portrait


I'm from Copenhagen. I cycle every day mostly in the city-center.
I ride a Velorbis bicycle, that I purchased since I wanted to support a Danish brand and I really wanted this wooden box.”

Sarah - basket

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

3 September 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Mie: "I have an over-size basket fitting perfectly my bag”


“I'm from Copenhagen. I cycle every day from Østerbro to my office. I like cycling through the big park Fælledparken and along the lakes. The scenery changes all the time and I can see lots of people. Because in these places there are no cars and no noise, it's like being somewhere else, outside the city.”

“Where did you buy this huge basket?”
“I was looking for an over-size basket to carry my big bag and I finally ordered it online on a Dutch web shop. I had to put up a front rack to support the weight.”

“Do you have an anecdote to share with the reader of the blog?”
“It was during the summer, I was cycling through the city with a dress on. I overtook a group of tourists cycling quite slowly. Just after passing them I heard them ringing their bells and shouting. Thanks to that, I realized that I had a hole in my dress. That was extremely embarrassing.”

Mie - Portrait

Mie - Bag

More pictures on Byliv in CPH.

27 August 2014

Portraits of Cyclists – A fantastic year spent taking pictures of cyclists in Copenhagen and also getting to know more about them

Poster - Portraits of Cyclists - Summer

One year ago, I started taking pictures of cyclists but also decided that I would talk to them in order to make their portrait and add a personal touch to the photo. During this year, I published 45 portraits of inhabitants from Copenhagen and 2 from Aarhus.

Almost all the people I stopped while they were cycling to the office or back home accepted to answer my questions and to pose in front of my camera. I want to sincerely thank all of them for their time and their smile.

Here are some of the common points I came across during the interviews.

99% of the people I talked to are cycling every single day in the streets of Copenhagen. They enjoy it and find that cycling is the best way to get around in the city. Just as all the surveys already demonstrated it, they think cycling is convenient, fast and cheap. Often they added that it's healthy and a very good way to get fresh air. For some of them, cycling helps them to wake up in the morning.

A lot of bicycle users told me that they appreciate when they run into a friend along the cycle tracks. 
They just wave or stop to have a chat during their commute. Moreover, they feel that they are really in contact with their city since they cycle through it.

A significant amount of cyclists remember quite easily their first bike or the first day they cycled alone. I always felt that it was an important moment for them when they spoke about it.

Surprisingly, I heard often that the Copenhageners don't really use a bike when they visit a city abroad, feeling that the city is less adapted to the cyclists than their home town.

Here are some cyclists you have seen this year and some details that make the difference when you want to Cycle Chic. They are a vital contribution to Copenhagen urban landscape.

Poster - Portraits of Cyclists - Winter

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH

13 August 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Helena and her mother: “I was on business trip when my daughter cycled alone for the first time. It was like missing her first step”

Helena & her mother2

I live in Copenhagen. I cycle every day with my daughter. Normally, she bikes her own bike just in front of me. She started biking with me when she was 5.

Do you have a special memory related it?”

I taught her cycling when she was 3. But I was on business trip when she cycled alone for the first time. When I came back home I was so sad. It was like missing her first step.”

Helena & her mother

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

6 August 2014

Portraits of cyclists - Natalia: “I used to bike in Romania too”

I'm from Romania. I'm studying in Copenhagen and I cycle every day. I used to bike in Romania too and I'm involved in the blog SkirtBike. It's a reason why I wanted to come to Copenhagen.”

Do you have a favorite route in Copenhagen?”
Sometimes I take a ride for pleasure or simply to clear my mind. In this situation I cycle in the center of the city. I love cycling on the bridges over the water.

May you share an anecdote with us?”
Once, while cycling, a cyclist talk to me, but I could not understand since I don't speak Danish. She pointed at my pedals and I was a little bit frightened but it was just to ask me where I bought my shoes.”

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in CPH.

23 July 2014

No more suits. In Copenhagen, this summer, it's just about swimsuits


I'm from Sweden. I'm visiting a friend in Copenhagen for the weekend. In Jönköping, I cycle to work all the time. It's very convenient.

Here is in Copenhagen, I'm heading to the beach. It's so sunny and hot.” 

Marcus - Portrait

16 July 2014

Portraits of cyclists: “I fell good. I take my time and I actually enjoy it.”


I cycle every day in Copenhagen. I start in Norrebro and I cross the Dronning Louises Bridge. Then, I go down Gothersgade with the Rosenborg Palace Garden on my left. Finally, I cross Knippelsbro to reach Christianshavn.”

So, you cycle every day on the two busiest bridges of Copenhagen (about 36.000 cyclists on Dronning Louises Bridge and 40.700 on Knippelsbro in 2012). How do you fell when you cross them?”
I fell good. I take my time and I actually enjoy it.”

I have been living here in Copenhagen for nearly 10 years and don't know any bus routes because I cycle everywhere I go and, I like it. I like the freedom it gives. You have nothing to plan, you just take your bike. When I'm thinking about it, it's insane how much Copenhageners use their bike, day and night.”

Do you have a specific memory related to cycling in Copenhagen?”

On my first year at the Architecture school, I was cycling with the people of my study group going from a party to a bar. We were cycling to close to each other so I fell down. I still have a scar. I considered it as my baptism as a cyclist in Copenhagen.”

Short-Jacket - portrait

More pictures of Copenhagen on Byliv in Copenhague.

9 July 2014

Portraits of cyclists - “Cycling to work every day, you get use to it very fast and you get to love it too”

20km on high heels

I live in Copenhagen. I cycle every day 10km to go to work and 10km to come back.”

Because it's faster and easier than taking the car or the public transports. It's a good way to be active.”

“With these shoes?”

What is your favorite route in the city?”
I change my route sometimes. If I do a detour, I like going through the city, to see all the people and for the specific atmosphere of this part of the city.”

What would be your advice for the women who wouldn't dare to cycle 20km to work?”
It's a matter of habits. You get use to it very fast and you get to love it too.”

20km on high heels - shoes

20km on high heels - portrait

More picture of Copenhagen every day on the Facebook page of Byliv In Copenhagen.