Showing posts with label bobike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bobike. Show all posts

3 December 2014

Holiday Shopping Season

It's that time of year. For a lot of different things. We can certainly question the the all-powerful consumerism that is ever-present in our society, but that may be subject matter for another blog.

The fact is, people have stuff to buy in December. Lots of stuff. Christmas trees are among that stuff and over at you can see how THAT gets done by bicycle. Then there are presents, food, you name it. It all needs to be transported around. From A to B and on to C. In Copenhagen, a lot of that is done by bicycle, too.

The weather doesn't always work with you when you cast yourself headlong into the shopping frenzy, but a bicycle gets the job done.

Bicycle baskets serve their purpose on shopping expeditions.

Although a strong shoulder is functional as well.

A kids seat provides extra load capacity for the bigger stuff you need to get home.

The strap on the kids seats comes in handy, too. Then there is the back rack found on virtually every bicycle. That's what it's there for.

You don't always need to ride the bicycle when hungry guests are on the way,

Front racks are booming in popularity, meaning bigger stuff is coming home with you on your bicycle.

You get to contemplate your purchase all the way home, which may be a good or a bad thing.

You can, of course, plan early for the holiday season, starting your shopping in the summer.

For more info on transporting stuff by bike, visit

25 June 2011

Super Bicycle User

Ole Super Bicycle User
This is my friend Ole. I call him a super bicycle user. He rides his bicycle absolutely everywhere. To meetings all over greater Copenhagen. When I met him at the TEDx Copenhagen day, he humbled me when he told me that because of reading, his family sold their Volvo and committed themselves - like true Copenhageners - to bicycles. He has a blog called 13 hjul - 13 wheels - about his family's experiences on their bicycles.

Ole is my hero. And he looks damned fine on a bicycle.

2 May 2011


Heading into the spring sunshine.

17 August 2010

Yellow Morning

Yellow Wall 11
I have a series of photographs taken on Nørrebrogade - the busiest bicycle street in the Western world - taken last week. All along the section running past Assistens Cemetary, burial place of Hans Christian Andersen, the Father of Existensialism Søren Kirkegaard and various American jazz musicians who here in the 60's when Copenhagen was the jazz capital of the planet. The light here is wonderful on summer mornings and the yellow wall a fine background.

For now, let's start with this photo. Quintessential Copenhagen. Doesn't get more CPH than this. For me, it sums up everything I love about this city and the people who inhabit it.

12 August 2010


You can either ask for help with your wayfinding.
Or try to figure it out for yourself.

9 October 2009

Gesticulation in Paris

Paris Cycle Chic - Giving Directions
It may look like she is gesticulating in anger at the motorist, but the people in the car were asking directions and she didn't know. They were laughing as I passed by on Rue du Rivoli in Paris.

9 July 2009

Summer Holiday One Shots - Supermum

One shots for your enjoyment while Cycle Chic is on holiday.

25 March 2009


Ride and Ride With Umbrella
Been awhile since we've saluted the supermums of Copenhagen. Cycling their kids to daycare/kindergarten in the mornings.
Kid Cargo
Or to school.
Or taking them home in the afternoon.
And once they're safely dropped off, you can relax.

4 March 2009

Two Ways To Keep Your Bum Warm

A rather obvious way. Fur.
A less obvious way; use a child as padding.

11 December 2008


Tempo Nuit - Rouge
Saturday nightaliciousness. Two friend head out for a night on the town. The town is already painted red for them.

Christmas Shopping
Oh yes, oh yes. It's December. Shopshopshop. And take it all home on your bike.

Cycle Chic Man With Cycle Chic Calendar
Mr Cycle Chic with his Cycle Chic calendar. I ordered one for myself, of course. Even though I've seen these photos a million times before, it was such a thrill to see them printed on the calendar in such good quality. I think I might have giggled but I'll deny that in no uncertain times if asked. Get your 2009 Cycle Chic Calendar here.

8 October 2008

Stripes and Things

Stripes in the Bike Lane
Stripes on a bike lane. When there is construction, the bike lanes are always taken into consideration.

Leggings are very popular at the moment. Seen here with wellingtons, a vest, a beret.

Autumn Shadows
I love the impossibly long shadows of the Nordic autumn.
Different Forms of Transport
And leaves are starting to line the streets.

9 July 2008

Two Times Three Cyclists

One Plus Two
A recent graduate wearing her traditional graduation hat, riding off with a friend. Congratulations!

Two Plus One
Dapper Danish superdad picked up the kid today.

18 June 2008

Copenhagen Skies

One of the primary joys of urban cycling is that your view is not restricted. You move along under the open skies. Wind in your hair, squinting into the sun or the rain, unconstrained by a roof, windows or doors.
Racing the storm clouds.
Up Front and Personal
Up front and personal is the best way to ride.
Age and Grace
Age and grace with a spot of funk.

20 May 2008

Tyr's Day

A little modern irony on Tyr's Day. Tyr, or Tiw, was the Norse god of war and it is for him that we call today Tuesday - Tiws Day. So why not chuck up a photo so far removed from warfaring and agression. A floral summer's dress, smart, elegant white heels and a classic Danish bike. Chatting on the mobile, planning pleasant rendevouz' with pleasant friends, all while riding along the peaceful, segregated bike lane.
Balancing Act
On another note, when your shopping and your flowers have to get home, it requires a bit of logistics to get it all onto your bike. The Bobike seats for kids are invaluable for transport when the rugrats aren't in them. A big bag of groceries fits perfectly in the seat and can be secured with the seatbelt straps.

And if you can't do all of this in heels, high or low, you're not in Copenhagen.

Jillian from Button McSweet
We'll wrap up Tyr's Day with a submission from Jillian, who was kind enough to send this photo in.

"Hello, I am a huge fan of your blog. It is, in fact, one of the main reasons for my decision to change my life and the life of my family. Thank you for just doing what you do[...] and keep up the beautiful work"

Jillian has a blog called Button McSweet wherein she is documenting her attempt to travel almost exclusively by bicycle and many other life changes her family is making.

Thank YOU Jillian for letting us know about your quest and for sending us this lovely guest photo.

19 May 2008

With Child - Cycling Whilst Pregnant

La famiglia *
I've posted the above photo before, of Wifealiciousness, my son and our daughter, in the womb. Here it is again, together with other photos of women cycling with child.

As one might expect, there are few things that stop you riding your bike in Copenhagen. A normal pregnancy certainly isn't any reason to stop. You still have to get around town - to work or on errands - and exercise is important when pregnant.

We live across the street from a midwives office - almost all births in Denmark are done by midwives - and you see pregnant women cycling to and fro on a daily basis.

Doctors virtually prescribe cycling whilst pregnant in Denmark. Regarding cycling as a transport form for the majority of cyclists, I found this text on the Netdoktor website about cycling and pregnancy. It is highly recommended by doctors in Denmark to ride while pregnant, right up to the end if you can. But this text says it all about how cycling is regarded in Denmark:

"Cykling er ikke kun en transportform, men i lige så høj grad en motionsform"

In English: "Cycling isn't only a form of transport, but also a great way to excercise."

I love that. Reminding Danes that cycling is good exercise, too. 
Mum to Be

With Child

With Child


A Danish book entitled Pregnancy and Exercise featuring, not surprisingly, a woman on a bicycle.

4 April 2008

Freyja's Day

Friday originally means 'Freyja's Day'. Freyja is a major Norse goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She is portrayed as blonde, blue-eyed and beautiful and people prayed to her - and still pray, since the traditional Nordic faith is officially recognised as a religion in Denmark - for happiness in love.

You don't always have to ride. This Copenhagen Supermum padded casually down the street in the sunshine, eating a plum and chatting with her child.
Stylish Funky
She rode effortlessly down the Old King's Road, music in her ears, smoking a cigarette in the most relaxed manner imaginable.
City Hall Square
Sticker with city hall in the background.
The Copenhagen Summer: Bit of This Bit of That
Spring is here and that means summer is sure to follow. My family and I either ride our bikes [25 minutes] or hop on the metro [15 minutes] down to the beach at Amager Strand. We're all looking forward to the summer.

28 March 2008

A Thursday in Copenhagen

Cycle Chic in Red and Green:
Cycle Chic in Red and Green

Once again, squint your eyes and it's 1952 on the City Hall Square. I love the fur cuffs.
Timeless Cycle Chic

Another Copenhagen supermum propelling her bike forward off the lights.

Over at, we've just blogged about these beautiful, custom-made, bespoke bike baskets from the able hand of David Hembrow: