Showing posts with label bike rack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bike rack. Show all posts

2 December 2016

Carry it with You, Guys!

This is known as the safe way how to carry your things with you while cycling from A to B. The Safe Way - if your bike is without any kind of rack.

Then, of course, you can step up your game by putting your bag on bicycle handlebar. It is known that this may affect your ability to maneuver ... still it is a way how to get your things from A to B when cycling.

Or just carry your bag in one hand while the other one is on the handlebar... This might be even sketchier, but still, a way how to get from A to B.

If it gets really hard to cycle with your bag... you can always hop off the bike.

Although, we believe that you should just upgrade your bike with some front rack. It does not have to be a basket (leave it for the woman). As you can see it is chic, easy and lets face it - you can carry a lot more if you have to.

Spoke too soon about baskets and leaving them to women... This one suits the handsome gentleman really good.

Happy cycling!

23 March 2015

Grab N' Go - Commuter Style

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2015 - 0190

Every day Copenhageners bring their bags on their morning commute, in baskets, on the handlebars or over the shoulder. Above: Casual bar carry with elegant paper designer bag. Below: Classic Gent’s Bike with classic rear carrier rack.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2015 - 0189

Off to school with back pack in front net basket.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2015 - 0188

Shoulder bag for a minimalistic bike.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2015 - 0187

Finally an especially valuable package safely placed between dad's arms!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2015 - 0186

Happy Cycling!

10 December 2009

Cycle Chic and Friends in San Francisco

I've blogged a bit about my recent visit to San Francisco and declared my bike love for my friends 'over there'. Adrienne, Kristin and Meli.

I also blogged photos from the Halloween Critical Mass here, here, here and here.

The little film above is about a bike ride we went on the day after Critical Mass. Just riding around the city and hanging out and having a good time. Like the lyrics suggest, I'm a lucky man.

7 November 2009

Coolest Bike Parking in the World

Biomega at W Hotel SF 01
I've not seen such cool bike parking in ages. At my hotel in San Francisco - the W Hotel - they have three Danish Biomega bicycles for guests to use free. Okay, three isn't much, but it's what they do with them that counts.
Biomega at W Hotel SF 02
It's like a museum the way they hang them up on the wall like that. You ask the valet for a bicycle and he walks over with a crank and proceeds to lower - slowly and cerimoniously - the bicycle to the ground. Now THAT is style over speed!

Mikael and the Biomega
I rode the bicycle during the Halloween Critical Mass and the next day, too, with some friends. A one-speed on the hills of San Francisco. Easy peasy. Photo by Kristin somewhere on Valencia.

Here's what other bikes I've been riding whilst travelling.

7 May 2009

Nearby You

Wherever you are in Copenhagen and whatever you may be doing; hugging your girl/guy, lighting a cigarette, walking, farting, picking your nose, shopping, eating, fucking, sucking a milkshake through a straw - somebody is right nearby you, either locking or unlocking a bicycle or riding it past.
Meet Up
You can't swing a damn cat around by the tail without hitting a bicycle. Although watch out for those damn cats... they're trying to kill you.

17 November 2008

Splashes of Red, Splashes and Anarchy Chic

Red Hat
I haven't forgotten the Cycle Chic Hat challenge laid down by some readers. Until I collect the appropriate shots for the series, here's a couple hatastic Copenhageners.
Old school charm and grace.
While visiting the new Royal Theatre Skuespilhuset on the harbour, I saw this person just riding around in slow, happy circles on the old quay. Riding through puddles. That's it. Nothing more to it than that. How lovely.

Anarchy Chic
Here's a spot of Anarchy Cycle Chic. If you're going to protest the World Bank summit in 2000, what better way to get around than on a normal bicycle. That chainguard is handy for stopping water cannons from getting your chain wet. That back rack is convenient for carrying molotov cocktails or a friend or a friend carrying molotov cocktails. And the dynamo light will help you through the tear gas/smoke from burned cars. And lord knows you'd look stupid if you were wearing lycra in this situation. Normal clothes are fine. From an advert for Lee Jeans' Make History photo contest.

22 August 2008


City Centre
The heart of the city we love so much.

Danish Dutch
A happy marriage of Dutch and Danish. Bike from the Netherlands. Citizens of Denmark.

Business As Usual
Business suit on the way to work. Complete with a coffee holder on the handlebars for her latte.

Evening Couple
Evening Couple
Evening couples using the bicycle as a means of transport and togetherness.

28 July 2008

What Things Look Like in The Summer in Copenhagen

It's summer. It's beach weather. It's sticky hot all day and all night. In Copenhagen we're spoiled for beaches and, like anywhere else, we flock to them whenever we can.
Stop, Check Text, Ride
What checking a text message at a red light heading home from the beach looks like in The Copenhagen Summer.
Summer Stop Light
What a red light looks like in in The Copenhagen Summer.
Home from Beach
What waiting for the elevator at the Metro at the beach looks like in The Copenhagen Summer.
Homeward Bound
What heading home from the beach looks like in The Copenhagen Summer.
5000 parking spots for 15000 bikes
What parking at the beach looks like in The Copenhagen Summer. [At this beach there are 5000 bike rack spaces - and about 10,000 bikes]
Beachparking Overflow
What beach parking overflow looks like in The Copenhagen Summer.

24 July 2008

Thor's Day and a Tag

It's Thor's Day, which is Thursday in English and that means absolutely nothing at all. Above is a Copenhagner doing a classic 'around the rack' [as opposed to around the block] looking for parking on Amager Square in the heart of the city. The City of Copenhagen is starting to make rackless bike parking areas, since real bikes have kickstands anyway.
Copenhagen Acceleration
Afternoon rush hour with cyclists either turning or accelerating off the light.
The Nature of Things
Canadians and Aussies will know the scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki, above. We hosted him and a crew from the CBC last week. He's shooting a doc on sustainability in Europe with his daughter Sarika, also above. It was lovely. Copenhagen's bike culture was the subject, of course, and we rode around for two days talking about it. Read more over at Copenhagenize.

So it appears that we've been Tagged - some sort of viral buddy thing for bicycle bloggers. As urban blog legend will have it, some blogger called The Fat Cyclist started it and Erik at K-WALL

tagged us. Uh... thanks. I think. But I'll play along. It means we have to answer some fun questions so here goes:If you could have any one — and only one — bike in the world, what would it be?
No idea. It's not about the bike. Maybe a black one. All shiny like.

Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?
No idea. I don't covet bikes. I don't covet busses or other forms of transportation. I do like my Scrap Deluxe from Velorbis. It's cool. But as beautiful as it is, it's just a way to get around.

If you had to choose one — and only one — bike route to do every day for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?

I would start in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver and ride downhill to West Van where the route would morph into a bike lane along the Seine in Paris for a couple of kilometres or so before morphing into the Shibuya Crossing intersection in Tokyo where I'd wait for the lights and pedestrians. Then, on the other side of the intersection the route would morph into the Tiergarten before ending on Frederiksberg Allé from where I would roll on into the heart of Copenhagen.

What kind of sick person would force another person to ride one and only one bike ride to do for the rest of her / his life?
Probably a helmet advocate.

Do you ride both road and mountain bikes? If both, which do you prefer and why? If only one or the other, why are you so narrowminded?
What the fuck is a 'road' bike? I know mountain bikes, they were popular for 42 minutes in the mid-nineties. What a lot of silly terminology. I just ride a bike on the bike lanes.

Have you ever ridden a recumbent? If so, why? If not, describe the circumstances under which you would ride a recumbent.

No. Alcohol would be required.

Have you ever raced a triathlon? If so, have you also ever tried strangling yourself with dental floss?
Nope. Nope.

Suppose you were forced to either give up ice cream or bicycles for the rest of your life. Which would you give up, and why?
Ice Cream. I can't ride ice cream to the supermarket or to work.

What is a question you think this questionnaire should have asked, but has not? Also, answer it.
Am I really sitting here answering these questions at 22:06 on a Thursday evening?
Yes. Apparently I am. I'm cream-crackered and off to bed.

Now, tag three biking bloggers. List them below.
Drunk and in charge of a bicycle
Montréal Cykler
Bike in the City

8 July 2008

Le Parking

Le Parking
The neverending search for parking.

17 June 2008

Parking Made Elegant

There are few places in the world where the simple act of parking a bike is elevated to poetry, elegance and grace.
Poetry in Motion
The Art of Parking Your Bike And Removing Your Bag From The Basket.
The Art of Double Decker Bike Parking At A Train Station.
Red Below
The Art of Walking Away From Your Bike After Parking It.
Bike Guard Dog
The Art of Guarding Your Valuable Parking Spot.
The Art of Avoiding Bike Racks and Dogs Guarding Them #01
Christiania Helgoland
The Art of Avoiding Bike Racks and Dogs Guarding Them #02
Is This My Bike?
The Art of Trying To Find Your Bike.
Bike Parking
The Art of Removing Your Bike From The Bike Rack.
Button Up
The Art of Buttoning Up Before Riding Away From the Bike Rack.
The Art of Sending a Text Message Before Riding Away From The Bike Rack.
The Art of Riding Away From The Bike Rack.

17 March 2008

Guest Photo: Kofu, Japan

And then the same chap, beeldmark, has a mirror shot of the one below, this one taken in Japan. Wonderful shot.

Guest Photo: Utrecht

I've been looking to take this kind of shot here in Copenhagen for ages. And then I found this great photo on Flickr, taken in Utrecht, by beeldmark.

Says it all about established bike culture, really. The pros far outweigh the cons. The main con, according to Copenhagen cyclists, is bike parking. We have a number of double decker systems, but it is hard to control the massive number of bikes.
Double Decker