Showing posts with label article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label article. Show all posts

3 July 2011

Gay Cycle Chic

Gay Cycle Chic 001
During Cycle Chic's recent visit to Barcelona one of our gay friends presented us with a copy of a magazine he picked up in a gay bar. It was cycle chic-tastique. Which caused a bit of discussion, actually. With all the rise of the bicycle in our cities since 2007 and all the focus on the bicycle as a lifestyle accessory and a trend, it seems odd that the gay and lesbian community have been rather off the radar. Odd because if there is any community that embraces trends, modernist movements, art and culture, it's the gay and lesbian community.
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We would bet our bottom pedal that if there was a surge of interest in this com for the glory of cycle chic, it would boost the movement. All the style, flair, enthusiasm - not to mention the financial weight of the Pink Dollars - of the the community are much needed to get us moving just a bit farther along the separated bike lanes towards reestablishing the bicycle on the urban landscape.
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We're looking forward to a little more positive focus and promotion of urban cycling and Cycle Chic from the gay and lesbian community. Get into the party! Make it even more fabulous than it already is! You can certainly do much better than this website (if you're faint of heart, don't bother clicking.) Although we love the irony of it.
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Here's a tourism poster from 1947: :-)
Copenhagen - Gay Spot of Europe

3 April 2011

Cycle Chic(ish) from Belgium

Here's the cover of the weekend supplement for the Belgian newspaper De Morgen. Shot by Javier Barcala © La Fortuna Studio.

It really is wild how vintage bikes are conquering the market.

6 December 2009

Copenhagen's Life-Sized Nordic Cool

Friday Night Moving
Here's a piece I wrote for The Guardian a couple of years ago. Appropriate, perhaps, now the the world is descending on our fair city.

Copenhagen is an aesthetic capital that is content with its laid-back, cool attitude and rather unimpressed with the delusions of grandeur suffered by other European cities. The city centre is a charming labyrinth of cosy streets peppered with trendy cafes and boutiques. The surrounding neighbourhoods are relaxed areas where the Copenhagener can be seen in its natural environment.

What the city lacks in Eiffel Towers and Big Bens it makes up for with its curious mix of historic buildings and ultra-modern design. In the summer months, flocks of bewildered tourists from the armada of cruise ships (Copenhagen is the third-busiest cruise destination in the world) can be seen wandering about wondering what it is they should be looking at.

At least they can wander without worry, as much of the city centre is designated as pedestrian areas with "Strøget" being the crown in the work. The street stretches from the Town Hall Square to Nyhavn on the harbour. Wandering about a city has rarely been easier or more desirable.

With the strength of other European currencies the city is hardly as expensive as it once was. Shopping for designer items is a treat and done while taking in striking modern architecture like the new opera house or the Black Diamond building, both on the harbour. Design is often regarded as Denmark's greatest cultural export so they put a bit of elbow grease into it. The best way to get around is on a bike. The city boasts one of the world's most developed network of bike infrastructure and you won’t be alone: 37% of Copenhageners cycle to work or school every day and 55% of all trips in the city are by bicycle.

If "big is better" is your thing, then Copenhagen will disappoint. Upon seeing the Little Mermaid statue on her rock on the harbour generations of puzzled tourists have uttered the same remark: "But she’s so SMALL!" Upon hearing this a Copenhagener will merely shrug and remark, "She’s life-size". All with a crooked smile and a twinkle in the eye,

Which would be an ideal motto for Copenhagen. Life-size. An ego to match any other capital but an ego which is wrapped up in a Nordic coolness that makes any visit to the city a calming, groovy and aesthetically appealing experience.