Showing posts with label alaska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alaska. Show all posts

4 July 2009

Guest Photos From Anchorage, Alaska

Now it's not every bloody day we get guest photos from Alaska! So we're well chuffed to be able to post these two shots from Ms. Hansen [Danish name, of course!] who wrote:

Here are a couple photos from my birthday bash last weekend. My girlfriend Ashley and I took our sexy cycles out on the town in Anchorage, Alaska. I like to think these nights of going out on sexy bikes will make more people want to get to and fro on two wheels once they see how fabulous it can be! Thanks for always being an inspiration;)

Who is more of an inspiration is hard to see after viewing these shots. You're doing and you're doing it in style, girls. Well done! Thanks so much for letting us in on your Anchorage Experience.

8 March 2009

Frozen Cycle Chic in Canada and Alaska

What a lovely photo from Tapia in Anchorage, Alaska. Here's what she wrote to us:
"I thought Cycle Chic might enjoy this picture of me leaving to go watch the Iditarod...the world's longest sled-dog race. People amass on downtown Anchorage and watch the racers at a ceremonial start. Lots of Winter fashion, insane amounts of fur, but I only saw one bicycle - how sad!"
Thanks for the brilliant photo, Tapia!

And here's two photos from Reuben. He says:
"I discovered your wonderful site recently and all the snowy photos remind me of an unfortunate four frozen months I spent in Calgary, Canada last winter. I was delighted to discover that the best way to avoid the psychopathic pick-up truck drivers on the streets of Calgary was to ride on the frozen Elbow River (which seemed pretty exotic to a New Zealander). I would ride with my flatmate on the handlebars (she reckons once her bum stops fitting in the curve of the handlebars she’ll have to start riding herself) of a lovely ancient bike that came with the house.

Your beautiful Copenhagen photos seem all the more foreign now that I live in Sydney, Australia – home to the original bike-hating motorists and the world’s worst cycling infrastructure. I’m trying to Copenhagenize myself but it’s quite hard here... it’s too hot to ride in my work clothes and when I don’t wear a helmet the other cyclists shake their heads like I’m crazy (interestingly, the police don’t seem to care about enforcing this silly law). I’ve also paid a visit to the local Velorbis dealer here so hope to be in possession of one of those glorious machines soon, to go with my two Copenhagenize t-shirts and poster."

Thanks for these great shots, Reuben!

Last but not least we have this great shot of a Danish Nihola trike in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from Roger:
"Just thought I would show you some pictures of Danish bikes in Canada. They work great even though its -40 and the snow is deep. We love our Nihola. It has allowed us to remain car free even with a baby on the way."
Brilliant stuff, Roger! Thanks!
Canadians can check out Fourth Floor Distribution in Toronto if they fancy getting a Nihola for themselves.

It's great to see Cycle Chic Extreme from far flung places. Regular people in regular clothes doing what people have been doing for 120 years - just riding a bike. And looking good doing so.