Showing posts with label Christiania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christiania. Show all posts

14 September 2013

Do It Like a Dane. By Miami Artist Rose Miller.

That's right, for the first time there will be no Cycle Chic photos! That's because we're using a different kind of medium thanks to the talented Miami-based artist Rose Miller. I met this wonderful human being whilst attending Danish classes in Copenhagen and our shared passion of art and bicycles quickly sealed us as friends. She's now gone ahead and produced a series of paintings celebrating her love of Danish living, Danish design and of course, Danes and their bicycles!

"Think, Be, Ride, Bike, Design...whatever, just do it like a Dane." Like many, Rose Miller thinks it's a brilliant idea for everyone to get on their bike. However, unlike many, she wanted to express her reasons why by creating a series with vibrant colours and quirky touches. "Cycling - it's very 'green' but more importantly it allows physical activity to creep into our daily lives. It keeps us in shape, gets us engaging once again with the outdoors and this rejuvenation gives us a new lease of freedom. It's from this freedom and 'exercise high' that allows our creative gates in our brains to burst open."

"People are cycling all over the world - some places more than others. Amsterdam and Copenhagen are well known for it, they really are King and Queen of all cycling cities. However, it was whilst I was living in Denmark that I noted that Danes were not only known for their love of bicycles but also their love for design."

"Every Dane I knew had a bicycle (if not more than just the one!) but I also noticed that they all had a specific type of lamp in their homes. It's funny to me as I don't consider Danes to be nationalistic like we are back in the States..."

"...although Danes do always use their flag on birthdays and buy things made in Denmark. I totally came to understand why. Not because it's Danish, but because it's probably damn good quality and design. Design - that's where a lot of their pride and hearts lie."

A huge congratulations ("Tillykke!") to Rose Miller on her artwork and to say that Copenhagen misses her very dearly!

To see the full collection check out her website here

If you're on your cell or mobile phone check it out here

Originals are currently going for $150 but reprints are in the works.

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

30 August 2013

How To Get Copenhagen Hipster Happy - in 29 seconds

Cool Copenhagen Bike Dude
Hi Copenhagen Friend,
What a day! Continuing The Hipster Way aka Miss K.E.G.'s post from yesterday. First I meet Aske…
Such a cool and friendly Copenhagen dude – his hat is from Wardrobe 19 in our Latin Quarter! He loves to take a break at Hipster Bridge on his way home from school. And enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
Cool Copenhagen Bike Dude
Speaking of Hipster Bridge. I continue over the street to The Bridge, noting I’m the proud No. 25.780 cyclist passing it today.
Hipster Bridge Cyclist No. 25.780...
And then.. holy mama, approaching a real Hipster Bridge party, performed by Karmakanonen.
Am I right or am I right...? And LOL – recalling my test drive at Freetown Christiania 4 months ago...
Karmakanonen at Christiania
Hope I made you smile today! You take care - ENJOY your weekend.

Over & out,
a-g go-go