Showing posts with label "larry vs harry". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "larry vs harry". Show all posts

14 January 2011

Knack the Copenhagen Code

CPH by Diego Franssens
The cool Belgian lifestyle magazine supplement Knack Weekend was in Copenhagen recently and Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize feature in the mag. The photographer on the gig, Diego Franssens, took some cracking shots of the world's cycling capital.

Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack

CPH by Diego Franssens CPH by Diego Franssens
To learn about what the man on the right is leaning on, here's an article about it on It's one of the ways we like to spoil our urban cyclists in this city.

Diego worked his photographic on yours truly, standing with my Bullitt cargo bike. Although I'm not sure if I prefer this other shot.

Stefan over at Belgium Cycle Chic translated some of the quotes:

‘Us Danes like it simple, esthetical and functional. It’s the case for furniture, can-openers and mobility. If the bicycle is the fastest way to get from point A to point B, then we’ll use it.’

His advice to cities who want to promote bicycles: ‘It really is all about spoiling the bicyclists.’

And finally, on the power of the bicycle: ‘It’s a universal thing: everybody learns to ride a bike at some point in his or her youth. It’s a rite de passage, and a beautiful symbol of anarchy and freedom.’

And only because I've been asked to by some readers, here are some fashion details:
Bike: Bullitt by Larry vs Harry.
Coat: Bruuns Bazaar
Shoes: Zara
Jeans: Bertoni
Scarf: No idea.
Underwear: Next
Socks: H&M

22 September 2010

Does My Ass Look Big in These Pants?

One rarely gets to see one's self from certain angles. Unless one is photographed by one's friend, AK.
Oh, and I don't really want to know the answer to that question... :-)

12 September 2010

Eva Part Deux

Copenhagen Night and Eva
A few more photographs of Eva's visit to Copenhagen. Eva from Cycle Chic Sundays and
Eva by Night

California Cargo
After she dropped her bike off at Baisikeli bike rental, her chariot carried her to the train station.

6 September 2010

Bike Shop Street Party in Copenhagen

The King of Cycle Chic is Losing His Touch
You should never judge a party by it's beginnings. The latest Larry vs Harry street party didn't start well for me. Hungover from the night before, I needed to eat some nuggets and a McFeast in order to get rolling again. That's how hungover I was. As a result, the King of Cycle Chic was completely out of service and missed what could have been the Cycle Chic Epic shot of the century. See above. Am I losing my touch?

Larry vs Harry Street Party
Things managed to improve, however. Larry vs Harry have started a tradition of hanging out on the sidewalk or in the shop and letting things develop from there. Beers and pizza and loads of banter. Every couple of months or so. For no reason or a good reason. In this case, Ole - on the right - was heading to Sweden after a summer in Copenhagen. He's Norwegian... oh nevermind. It was a good excuse, trust me. It started out casually one Saturday afternoon. Some of the owners of shops on the same block showed up. Beers were bought and off it went.

Larry vs Harry Street Party
You never know how it's going to go, these parties. The shop is on the busiest bicycle street in the Western world, so loads of people we know are sure to ride past, stop up, drink a beer, head off again. The numbers ebbed and flowed through the evening. Parties should be organic and this one was.

Larry vs Harry Street Party Larry vs Harry Street Party
People came, hung, went. Some stuck around. I think we had the pleasure of entertaining a dozen nationalities. Gin and tonics were bought, along with vodka and red bull. Pizzas were consumed.
Larry vs Harry Street Party Serbia
The guy who bought my old Bullitt rode past and a Serbian girl hung out.
Larry vs Harry Street Party
These two friends were heading off into town and we gave them a beer and a lighter to help them on their way.
Saturday Night Bicycle Repair Larry vs Harry Street Party
More people showed up and it got cosier. The tire was punctured on this woman's Christiania bike so we - okay, Ole - fixed it for her. This girl on the right had a girlfriend on a leash and was asking for directions to where she could catch a number 40 bus. We helped her out (and regret to this day not going to that party...)
Larry vs Harry Street Party
We started in the mid-afternoon and went quite late. People who stopped by for a beer earlier, before heading off to dinner, were soon riding home again.
Larry vs Harry Street Party
Even the Danish Bicycle Ambassador got in on the act, inflating this girl's tires for her. At some point we ordered mojitos and daquiris from the bar down the street.
Larry vs Harry Street Party
Some of the most fun people left way too early but we soldiered on. Later we ended up at a badasse street party, where I took these photos in this earlier post.

Thank goodness Larry and Harry don't have these parties every weekend, but we're all looking forward to the next one.

2 September 2010

Bicycle Paparazzi

Honestly. You simply can't move around this city without getting photographed on a bicycle.

In this case it was a friend and photographer, Nicolai, who was doing the clandestine shooting.

That's Hans from Larry vs Harry on the pink Bullitt cargo bike.

And some Cycle Chic guy in the hat.
Photography by Nicolai Perjesi

10 August 2009

Four Copenhageners and a Film

Four Copenhageners
Four Copenhageners, one of them canine. His name is Skipper.

And here's a little film starring Skipper:

Harry, from Larry vs Harry cargo bikes, was test-dogging a dog box on the Bullitt cargo bike. Skipper loved it, by all accounts.

15 June 2009


Wifealiciousness - Felixio  -Bullitt
Wifealiciousness and The Boy Wonder, Felix, on our Bullitt cargo bike by Larry vs Harry.

And if you're in Dublin this week, why do you go for a bike ride on Wednesday? Dublin City Cycle, in conjunction with National Bike Week. Read more right here.