19 September 2013

Cycle Chic, Cycle Hip, Cycle Cool on Venice Beach (LA)

In the car-oriented city of Los Angeles, Venice Beach is a small paradise for the cyclists. Not only because of the beach cycle trail along the waterfront but also since many cycle lanes cover the district.
Abbot Kinney boulevard is the street where a mix of chic, hip and cool cyclists appreciate hanging out.

Abbot Kinney
Abbot Kinney boulevard in the daytime.

Denim mini shorts & leather boots remain a classic in California.

Abbot Kinney

Abbot Kinney by night
Abbot Kinney boulevard by night.

Abbot Kinney - himself - on a bike for the up-coming festival.

Nowadays, on Abbot Kinney boulevard, cruiser bikes are no longer the only choice as you can also find vintage city bicycles. Linus, a local brand, inspired by other brands from Europe, has its showroom there.

More pictures of cyclists from Venice Beach.

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