20 August 2013

The Real Beauty of Globalisation...Free Hotdogs!

Ever on your way cycling somewhere in town and suddenly feeling slightly peckish or thirsty? Ah, you kinda don't have time on your hands or you just can't be asked to park and lock up your bike at the nearest Seven Eleven. Well, do not fear for Bootcycle is here!

Founded by design innovator Ashley Boots, an American who's lived and worked in Denmark for the past year, who felt it was time to fuse the best of two different cultures: the Danish bicycle culture with the American fast food culture.

Ever the multi-tasker, Ashley stumbled upon the idea for a 'bike-thru' whilst cycling towards Frederiksberg gardens on a hot day and wishing for a cold beverage without having to go off route. "I thought it'd be really nice to have somewhere that sold drinks and snacks without a costumer needing to dismount. Almost like a classic McDonald’s drive-thru experience, but for bikers".

Along with her supportive colleagues, Ashley tested the Bootcycle idea by surprising 100 cyclists with a free hot dog while they cruised down Nørrebrogade. The hot dogs were gone within 30 minutes and there was an overwhelmingly positive response. Since then Ashley has begun expanding on the Bootcycle idea and hopes that one day it will become as common as an American drive-thru.

To stay updated on Bootcycle developments, check out their website and Facebook Page

Bootcycle. Coming soon to a cycle path near you.

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x


  1. Great idea! Now, if we could only implement something similar in the US where no cars allowed on Drive - thru, then just maybe, we won't have the problem with obesity! Please do not even think about "Supersize it", that goes with the fries and Jumbo drinks!

  2. I would hope, being Denmark, that the food offered is a healthier option.
