26 July 2013

Yeah Boiiiii

Woah. Hold on. Who says that it's just Copenhagen women that own the Cycle Chic posts. I think it's definitely time to give the boyz some credit now. It's only fair! guysssss
Colourful long vests and baseball caps. Nice going. guy1
So glad when guys don't turn to straighteners. Curls are awesome! (Definitely was not going to say cute - an adjective most forbidden when describing guys.)
Guys can multi-task! Talking on the phone and posing all at once? Done. guy with christania bike
Christania bikes. So you can pick up your girlfriend - (s). mannn2

guyzzz at traffic lights2
Bit of banter amongst men whilst waiting for the traffic lights to change.

In light of the evidence above I think it's fair to say that Copenhagen guys know what they're doing. If you agree, give them a like!

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

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