14 February 2013

You've Got Heart

I Heart Copenhagen
Today is the day of hearts, and we don't want to be left out. A quick serach for "heart" in our photo archives gave us these shots. Although every day is heart-y in Denmark when your coins are decked out with them:

I Heart Bike Culture
Big ol' heart on Nørrebrogade, the world's busiest bicycle street.
Hearts and Tattoos
Hearts under your bum.
Heart Shaped Bell and Condom
Heart-shaped bell and condom from a Belgian campaign Velove from a few years back. "My bike loves me", it reads.
Barcelona Heart Street
A lovely street in Barcelona.

Copenhagen Bike Love - Tall
And we couldn't forget this shot, now could we?

Have a love-filled day.


  1. the heart coins are so special... is this meaning that is a great love of money or of economy? :)

  2. The heart is an ancient symbol - in many places - but in Denmark we have hearts all over the place. We put them on our christmas trees, too.

  3. Duma Brickhill9 March 2012 at 06:04

    Hi Mikael, the heart shadow shot is stunning, any chance of a poster print in the shop?

  4. The shadow heart picture is amazing. I really enjoy your blog.

  5. The heart on the coin is one of more marks to identify the mintmasteror the production place of the coin. These marks have been used for centuries, but only the heart survirved when the "Den Kongelige Mønt" got a monopoly on printing coins hundred of years ago.
