20 January 2012

Stylish Times - History Repeats Itself

Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Nothing like some vintage photographs from Copenhagen to hammer home how stylish cycling was - and is.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Complete with our favourite moment in time - the launch. Propelling the bicycle into motion.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Conversation cycling - cycling in cities should be sociable and cyclists should be able to ride side by side.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
On the beach, too.


  1. these pictures are so great! love them.

  2. love those big wheels, just like on a Pilen...

  3. Absolutely adore these. Thanks for posting them.

  4. "cycling should be sociable". Funny how this concept still remains alien even to people who should have gotten used to it: http://cyclingwithoutahelmet.blogspot.com/2012/01/bicycle-twin-scofflaws.html

  5. Do you know what year they were taken?

  6. The blond man in the first picture seem to be Mikael Collvile :)

  7. Everybody looks so fit, healthy and happy. Can cycling help your mental and physical health? Mmmmm that's a thought. Also why are they wearing those fancy clothes they look like they might be going to work or for a day out. Did they not have Lycra and Helmets.
