9 December 2011

Dad Cycle Chic

Villy Cykler
My Dad is 83. A Dane from Northern Jutland. Bicycles were a part of his life from the word go. Here he is in Copenhagen earlier this year.
Villy Cykler

He was a bike messenger during the Second World War in Copenhagen. Fifteen years old, delivering fruits and veg around the city.
This photo, below, isn't him, but it sure could be:
Copenhagen Bike Messenger
Read more about the original bike messengers in Copenhagen over at Copenhagenize.com.


  1. Wow, your dad looks so amazing for his age. Proof that riding a bike keeps you young!! Thanks for sharing. x Belles


  2. Your dad is so adorable! :))

  3. I love this post! Thanks so much for posting it, and further reinforcing the love of bicycles keeps us young!

  4. go him. bet you're proud:)

  5. love this. I was just at a town mtg about transportation alternatives and someone pooh pooh'd the talk of bicycles saying that our town's elderly could not bike. I wish I had a picture of your dad then. Perhaps our town's currently elderly might find getting on a bike difficult after a lifetime of driving. but if we makes changes the next generation of elderly will look like your dad. And that would rock.

  6. MamaVee: here's a link to my photos featuring elderly cyclists:


  7. A handsome modern-day messenger. So happy to see people of that age (and mine) doing and enjoying energetic activities. Kudos for your Dad.

  8. MamaVee: also have a look at this:

    I have neighbors that age (even a 82 yr old brother-in-law) who ride racing bikes for fun.
