10 November 2011

The Winter Jinx Post

Suck it up buttercup
I know, I know. We don't want to think about it. Winter.

The last two winters in Copenhagen - and most of Europe - have been bitter cold. Sub-zero temperatures hitting -30 C with the wind chill and snowstorm after snowstorm rolling in.

Remember, open your closet... it's filled with cycling clothes.

So let's try to jinx winter by posting about winter cycling. It's a long shot, but we're willing to give it a go.
Winter Traffic Copenhagen Quartet
The bicycle is still the quickest way to get around.
Copenhagen February Traffic 2
Colourful scarves add spice to the snow.
Snow Chatting
Bring a friend.
Red Light Pause
Don't stand still for too long.
Snowstorm Crowd Traffic in Snowstorm
There is always something to share the snowstorm with in Copenhagen.
Snowstorm Headwind 03
Shopping knows no seasonal borders.
Snowstorm Headwind Mobile Chat
Bring your phone.
Snowstorm Style
And your umbrella.
Snowstorm Snowboard
And a snowboard...
Snowstorm Doubling Winter Traffic Copenhagen Yellow

Snowstorm Knit
Colourful knit is the new goretex.

Here are a couple of films we made. One for fun and one for the City of Copenhagen.

Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic


  1. Great post and wonderful fodder to throw at all the twits who say Canada is too cold or too snowy for winter cycling.


  2. @Chris -- Canadians would still find an excuse.
    Weather is just one of many people have in their excuse book in this country.

    My cities winter weather is quite similar to that of Copenhagen...Actually we may even get less snow.

    For most of the year I find motorists respectful in my city, but when snow is on the ground, it seems like they try to scare you off the road.
    Cycling when there is snow on the ground is quite easy and safe...providing you don't have those 'twits' intimidating you.

  3. Wow! What a great series of pictures; can't wait for more. Also, this makes me feel pretty lame for being such a cold weather weenie & putting my bikes up for the winter!

    You might have motivated me to ride through the winter...well, maybe...

  4. Cycling in a snow storm is actually fun!

    (If you're not in a hurry, that is)

  5. Oh, you are so brave! I want to do this too. Can you stop in the snow with regular brakes? I won't even cycle in the rain for that reason. What a weenie I am :(

  6. I hope we get enough snow to overwhelm the snow removal guys. Car drivers get so kind and careful when they lose their sense of power and control.

    @Susan King
    of course you can stop in the rain and snow! Just not as fast. So you need to go a little slower and be a bit more polite...

  7. @Erik - thanks! We have a lot of hills in Vancouver, going slow is sometimes a problem LOL

  8. Envy . Pure , unadulterated and unabashed envy !

    Why ? Because KC,MO in the best of weather is a horrible place to ride , never mind the depths of winter . As well as KC is one of those US cities who from time to time ( last two years ) gets a fairly strong winter and has no clue how to deal with it . Oh do I miss being back in Denver Co with a Bike culture , paths , decent winter maintenance etc .

    But I do get some revenge come every blizzard ( here more than 10cm is considered a blizzard ) I XCountry ski the entire downtown when ever a bigger storm comes , usually having at least 4 - 6 hours of daylight if not days to do so

    Peace .... Quiet ..... No traffic . The entire KC downtown completely to myself .

    But as to weather I go by the Norwegian Wisdom . There is no such thing as bad weather , only bad clothing .

    So to be honest I'd be donning the Gortex etc over the fashion goodies come Winter Cycling

  9. this is it for me ~ it keeps me going. thank you Copenhagen cyclists! I aspire to you.

  10. Steelshwinnster5417 November 2011 at 03:07

    Wow, snow bicycling!. Around here if you bicycle at nite in the snow it is just suicide. But any real accumulation brings the city to its knees for auto traffic. What a wonderful reminder!
