14 November 2011

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Five years ago today, at 08:43 in the morning, I took a photo.

I could never have guessed that morning, on my way to work at Danish Broadcasting Corp., how that one photo would turn my world topsy turvy.

A journalist who researched where Cycle Chic - and the global bicycle boom - came from, ended up back at this photo, taken on November 14, 2006. She called it "The Photo That Launched a Million Bicycles" - a tagline that continues to humble me.

The story of this blog and the expansion around the world is well known by many. But today, for me, is a special day. The fifth anniversary of a wild ride. I'm heading down to the spot where that first photo was taken at 08:43 today. Just to be there. Take a photo or two. A bunch of the other cycle chic bloggers are going to take a photo today at the same time in their cities, too. Which is brilliant.

I'm going to take the luxury of reflection today. Remembering all the amazing experiences that this blog - and Copenhagenize.com as well - have contributed to my life.

I have had the priviledge of meeting so many fantastic people. I've given talks in over 40 cities on four continents and, invariably, ridden bicycles with these fantastic people in all the cities, as well as talking about reestablishing the bicycle on the urban landscape, liveable cities and promoting cycling positively. People I would never have had the opportunity to meet if that photo wasn't taken.

It's the people I remember more than anything. The ones that come up to me in every city and say things like "You're the reason I ride a bicycle..." I never know how to reply to that. It's too amazing. And if try to reply in length, I tend to get watery eyes. I'm going to reread the testimonials from readers today, as I do on every anniversary. I'll have a slow look at the press mentions through the years, remembering every thrilling moment when Cycle Chic grew a little bit more.

I'm going to ride a bicycle today. I do it every day, of course, but today I will just go for a ride in this amazing city and regard my fellow cycling citizens. Thanking them secretly for their constant inspiration, their beauty, their organic, human-powered symphony that makes this city - and any city - a nicer place to live.

Thank you to the many of you who have been visiting this blog loyally through the years. I'm so grateful to have met so many of you around the world and yet there are so many that I would still love to meet.

Thanks to the other people out there who have started a Cycle Chic blog and a specific thanks to those Cycle Chic bloggers who have become close and valued friends. Thanks for understanding the value of Cycle Chic and being a part of this ride.

Cycle Chic is going to be growing very soon and we're excited about the upcoming evolution.

But for today.... thank you.


  1. Hello

    Over all many thanks to you for your action.

    From Bordeaux in France

  2. Congrats, Mikael. You are an inspiration!

  3. Congratulations Mikael. There are lots and lots of use who very much appreciate your work.
    Adelaide, Australia

  4. Congrats :) I'm going to ride a bicycle today too, in Poland :)

  5. Thanks for turning my world topsy turvy too dear Mikael. I feel honoured to be a part of this crazy Cycle Chic movement - what a ride hey....

    My life has changed in so many ways since I started Sydney Cycle Chic nearly 2 years ago and for that I will be eternally grateful. Who knew the bicycle could hold such power and magic. We are all just sappy idealists aren't we so enjoy today, know what an incredible contribution you have made and be proud as you should be.

    Kisses from Sydney x

  6. Congratulations Mikael, your photo has inspired a world wide movement which is making the world a better place to live!

  7. Congratulations Mikael. Your work inspired us to visit your beautiful country, spending 3 weeks there when cycling from Amsterdam to Copenhagen. Thanks for the great memories.
    Perth, Australia

  8. Congratulations Mikael. You are one of the originals, and your commitment and dedication are impressive.

  9. wow. I remember...
    5 years we have been floating out here in cyber world Mikael...5 years...!

    keep it coming, I value how this space inspires me. ~ especially in the darkness of winter.

    thank you.

  10. Thank you so much, all of you. You're all brilliant and you're all inspirational to me.

  11. Congratulations Mikael - that's major!

    We are glad to have Cycle Chic with us for more than 2 years now & are looking forward to your next posts which all will be on StreetStyleNews. Thanks!!! xoxo


  12. hello
    congratulations :)
    i'm a recent fan of your blog and i'm loving it.i'm checking all photos going backwards...and i'm happy just to know i have sooooo many photos to see ;) keep doing the excelent work!
    Silvia @ lisbon

  13. Thanks a lot, for showing and exposing the beauty of riding a bike, to those of us who forgot it once.

    Congratulations, and I hope that your labor lasts for many further generations! ;)


    Bogotá, Colombia

  14. Congratulations Mikael.
    And here's to the next five years.

  15. Have you ever met the woman who is the primary subject of this photograph?

  16. Merci à Mikael, à la dame mystérieuse à vélo, et à tout le monde de l'ensemble des cycle chic et autres -izes.

    It is 18c here - a record high for the 14th of November; beautiful sunny day. No red leather gloves today.

  17. Félicitations Mikael :)

    Paris Match motto was used to be "le poids des mots, le choc des photos"
    Cycle Chic c'est: le poids des photos, les mots suivent...

    Keep going for all of us!

    Merci :)

  18. you're welcome !

    thank you to to make live this space.

  19. happy birthday cicle chic !!!

  20. Hi Mikeal, I look forward to reading this blog every morning. It is inspiring. Thank you for the great pics. Congrat!

  21. Hi Mikeal. Thanks for a great blog. It's become a part of my daily routine. Keep up the great work!

  22. Oh thank YOU. B/c of this blog I have owned TWO Danish Cargo Trikes in the past 3 years. Think of if I never found the source of all of that joy!

  23. Congratulations, and thank YOU! You're blog and photographs have been a daily inspiration for me. As someone who lives and cycles in an area of the world where riding a bicycle for transportation is almost unheard of, I find myself turning to you, and other bicycle bloggers for my daily dose of encouragement. Thanks again!

  24. Congrats. I love your site and have been coming back for a few years now. Always inspirational!

  25. Congratulations and thank you for five years of inspirational cycle chic!

  26. michael thank you so much for your ispiration and for Cycle Chic ;-)

  27. You people are wonderful. Thanks so much!

  28. Congratulations and thank you. They say there are no coincidences are the way in which angels speak to us. Thanks for making us share your dream and dream of millions of people around the world.

    I hope when you want to come to Valencia (Spain) sure you eat the best paella in your life:)

    Good luck and see you soon


  29. Really, really proud of you and your accomplishments! Love you loads. Linda

  30. Congrats for the five years of good job ;) And thank YOU for that, Mikael. // Lublin Cycle Chic (of course inspired by your ONE AND ONLY blog) :)
