28 November 2011

Lovely Things We Love

Self Moving Vehicle
Here at Cycle Chic we have an affinity for lovely things. Bicycle-related and not. And when the things are particularly lovely, we just have to share them.

Above is an exquisite sticker that appeared in the postbox last week, sent to me by a friend in San Francisco, Yumi, who runs the wonderful neo bohemia blog. The kanji characters mean "self-moving vehicle". The sticker looks brilliant on my Velorbis.

It typical Japanese fashion, the way the sticker arrived was elegant and perfect. Look at that attention to detail. Stunning stuff.

Another treat from another friend of ours, Musji. Hand-crafted hair elastics stamped out of fine leather.

My daughter, Lulu-Sophia, was thrilled with this one and it's a battle to get her to take it out.

Although this bird was a close second.

Check out Musji's website for more gorgeous, hand-crafted lovely things.


  1. Hey I'm loving the kanji decal , so where does one ( I'm in the US ) acquire one ?

    ( apologies ahead of time if my somewhat luddite nature is missing the obvious on this question )

  2. perfect for my very new bike fixed by 43cycles.com Alberto

  3. Mikael,

    May I answer the inquiry?

    Answer at:

    Please go to the post written on November 30, 2011.

    Thank you,
