30 September 2011

Hennes, Mauritz, Bicycles

H&M by Byron Atienza from Byron Atienza on Vimeo.

H&M is on the Cycle Chic bandwagon. A little late, but hey. Welcome all the same.


  1. That was godawful! And they totally wasted one of the greatest tracks of all times: "Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro: grrrrr!!!

    I will however give kudos for featuring an interracial couple instead of the usual white dude/white chick couple.

  2. @Anonymous (#1): Couldn't agree more - spot on. Kept thinking how cool it would've been, to go with the eery sound of one of my favourite songs, to make the ad less, Summer Holiday and more Clockwork Orange. With the cycles, hats etc... would've been perfection.

    Love the use of the interracial couple too! Brilliant. Much more appealing me thinks.

  3. I find it rather disgusting how you guys need to point out how cool it is that H&M uses an interracial couple when the whole thing probably is a result of a long marketing project trying to reflect the political correct and using the environmental movement (cycling) just to support their market share and sales figures. It's all just a manifestation of our fucked up Zeitgeist with its blind believe in consumption. I like the song though. Cheers
