13 June 2011

Montreal Cycle Chic - Cool

Montreal Cool
Sometimes you just have to take a photo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw some pretty chic older cyclists while in Ottawa for the weekend conference of Fair Vote Canada. As usual, not good enough at pulling out me pickcher-catcher out of me pocket and starting it up in time to take a good picture. Perhaps this will be solved with iOS 5, I hope!

  3. That should be a great place in Canada to bike. Great picture. Keep posting. Thanks!


  4. Kiwetin, Ottawa has chic cyclists of all ages.


  5. :-D
    I do believe you have a picture of the very gentleman I saw, pedaling along beside the Rideau Canal!
    I've been away from Ottawa so long (and was there for such a short time last weekend) that I don't have much of a feel for cycling in Ottawa anymore!

  6. @kiwehtin, cycling, and chic cycling are really taking off. I miss so many great shots...even 2 or 3 years ago chic was not to be seen (or rarely). And we have a segregated bike lane coming!

  7. Yes — I moved to Montreal in 1989, and back then there was basically nothing but the paths along the canal and the parkways. And this was the era when the racing bike craze was fading into the mountain bike craze. I was unused to biking back then, and struggled like nobody's business just to get up the hill on Somerset going toward King Edward in Sandy Hill. Things have changed since then and I'm quite used to Montreal's non-horizontals!

    The new segregated path is supposed to be on Laurier, right? I remember seeing a lot of the predictable outrage at such a stupid harebrained notion in letters to The Citizen a few weeks ago...

    Now if only they would put some good segregated lanes along Rideau and King Edward and other such roads... I wish you luck!
