11 April 2011

Double Up in Barcelona

Bicing Compartido
What a brilliant shot from Barcelona from our friend Claudio. It made me think about the different ways you can double on a bike. They're particularly creative in the Catalonian capital:

Barcelona Doubling Barcelona Doulbing 4

Barcelona Doble Barcelona Bicycle Life

Barcelona 3 Friends_1 Barcelona City Tour 3

Barcelona Doubling

Barcelona Cool


  1. In Belgium the police pulls you over for being unsafe in traffic. Seriously. Wish I was kidding. I'm not. Sadly enough.

  2. Ha, the cigarette in the last one... Not PC to say so, but nice touch.

  3. haha~ Double on a bile needs skills!
    anyway, it's cool~
    and can save some money, maybe~ :)

  4. It's an amazing bicycle revolution in Barcelona. And what a wonderfull shots you've made

  5. i used to carry around BMX pegs to screw on to my bike to double ride my friends... i've had way too many crossbar in the nuts accidents.. I'm glad to see that the Bicing bikes are well made.
