9 March 2011

Valencia Raindrops

Lovely little film featuring Citizen Cyclists in the rain in Valencia, by my friend Fernando.


  1. Really lovely film in one of the most beauty cities of Spain

  2. Wow.. This is great. The music is perfect for the video...

  3. What a beautiful wee film, thanks for sharing it.

  4. There is no better way to travel.

  5. A quick note from Treehugger on a new bike program here in south Florida, here in the states, to start next month. There is hope!


  6. There is both a curious peace, and a sense of the primal, about riding in the rain; I have said for years that, if you don't ride a bike in the rain at least once a year, you're missing out on life.....

    I WILL be doing so myself today -- my birthday gift to myself.

  7. Thank you all and greetings from Valencia.

    Today it does not rain ;)


  8. Bear in mind that Valencia is not a rainy city... so let's clap for all these cyclists dancing so glamorously over the rain ;)

  9. This is a great video. It is nice to see these people riding in the rain without making any havoc. Seeing it on video makes me feel peaceful.

  10. Thanks a lot for sharing the video. Congratulations to the film maker.

  11. I want to ride my Velorbis Dannebrog back home...this moment is getting closer :)

  12. This video is better than a day spa! How relaxing was that?! To watch all that wonderful and so elegant human powered movement - I drifted away from the outside world and was completely fixed. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.x

  13. Hi Copenhagen Cycle Chic,

    I hope you're having a great day.
    You have a great blog.
    Anyway, I couldn't find where to send you an email, so I thought I'd go through here. I made a little movie in Paris a few years ago. The guy in it is pretty chic, although I don't know him. If you want, you can put it on your blog. Or you can just watch it and enjoy it.
    Check it out at http://theweeklycycle.blogspot.com/2011/02/tour-de-paris.html
