5 March 2011

Boys on Boris Bikes

London Cycle Chic 005
I was only in London for the day last Tuesday, but managed to capture some urban cycling action on the streets. Here are some of London's bike share bicycles on the streets. Citizen Cyclists using the bicycles to get around the city centre.
London Boris Bike 001
I must admit, however, that I didn't spot hardly any people on bicycles who looked relaxed. London is a black hole for bicycle infrastructure so most of the cyclists looked like they were being hunted down like dogs. Compared to Paris, where safe bicycle infrastructure has brought amazing numbers of regular citizens onto bicycles - private bikes and/or Vélib bike share bicycles - cycling in London is a fringe activity. There were women out there on the streets, but very few compared to the men.
London Pair
All the same, seeing bicycles in the city is a positive sign and I'll happily record it. It's baby steps for London, but the bicycle is back and it's not going anywhere.
London Boris Bike 002


  1. This sums up London cycling - yes you can cycle there, yes it's the fastest and most reliable way to get around, yes more and more people are doing it and yes they've done stuff (Boris Bikes and increased permeability) to make it easier to do. But all those cyclists are there despite the conditions on the road not because of them. I love cycling and I love London and I cycled there for many years but when I go back there now, I always have to nerve myself up to tackle the streets on a bike and am sometimes secretly relieved when my Boris bike key doesn't work and I 'have' to take the tube instead

  2. I read that you were going to London and have been waiting with baited breath to see London's chic cyclists (!) Alas! I lived and cycled there but since moving to Copenhagen a month ago, I now know it wasn't cycling at its best. Boris is doing a good thing and good luck to them all but it is dangerous and not for the faint hearted. Thanks for the memories...

  3. Hi Mikael, did you get a chance to cycle while you were in London? I've only started cycling since the Superhighway as launched last summer, and the quality of my life has improved immensely. I now cycle everywhere. Yes I agree that the cycle infrastructure in London is still in an very infantile state. But I don't think it should discourage anyone to take on cycling right now. With a bit of practice and getting used to, cycling in London is tremendously fun and freeing. I cycle in my everyday clothes (lots of skirts!) and no helmet. I feel a lot safer that way. Motorists can see my face and know I'm just a normal person on a bicycle and not a 'cyclist' who dresses up like Nija Turtle going on Tour de France :D

    Go get a bicycle Londoners, it will change your life!

  4. "...the bicycle is back and it's not going anywhere."

    ...could be interpreted in more than one way. Especially in London.

  5. yes britain no way like copenhagen. the bike path are badly maintain o there no bike path and you have to cycle on the paverment due to car no making any room for you.we dont have many women cyclist i ride everyday . it takes me 25 minutes to get home and some days l never see one women cyclist

  6. aint nowhere to go in that Empire of Cyclechic to avoid the bicycling mans burden

  7. Come back soon, and next time please bring a big stick to poke our authorities with! Great shots, by the way.

  8. It is true that London doesn’t have the most improved bicycle infrastructure. But it is good to see some still riding bicycle despites the poor infrastructure. If more people start commuting by cycles I am pretty sure government will consider improving the infrastructure.

  9. lack of relaxed bikers? maybe just a bad day! look what i saw there in summer 2009:


