4 February 2011

North Poll

We've whipped up a little Cycle Chic Bicycle Style Survey and we'd be thrilled if you helped us out. It only takes a couple of minutes.


Here's a previous poll that you're welcome to take:


  1. Where's the "I live in Copenhagen and just love to see how beautiful my city can be portrayed" option?

  2. Voted for the first option, but the full truth is ...

    Found the site, inspired me to get back on my bike (and still haven't gotten off)

    Went to Copenhagen a year later with my mom - we would have gone without the site but the trip was a lot more fun on a bicycle and we probably wouldn't have rented them without the inspiration here.

    The site continues to inspire regarding biking ... and visiting Copenhagen again sometime soon.

  3. vote for the last option. i know copenhagen already and i do like this town :-)

  4. Yo baby! 'Cuz of this blog, we've been to CPH 3 times in the past 18 months. We went cycling 1 - in Helsingør; 2 - All around Louisiana & Humlebæek; 3 - All around Nørrebro, trained up to Sletten, then biked over to Fredensborg; 4- Most of Hven. We bought a lot of books from the Danish Cyclists Federation and are planning to finally make it to Rusland, weather permitting. I'm also enrolling in August in a Danish immersion class to improve my Danish so we can get even closer to Danish culture.

  5. Where by "planning on" I mean "if I manage to come to Europe any time soon, Copenhagen will definitely be part of that trip".

  6. I have wanted to visit Copenhagen since I were a wee bit of thing and under the influence of this blog just might actually get around to it some day if we ever move into a post post 9/11 phase of international travel.

  7. As kfg said: " and under the influence of this blog just might actually get around to it some day if we ever move into a post post 9/11 phase of international travel."

    My thought as well. I find this blog wonderfully inspirational. It helped get me back on my bicycle, and keeps me riding. If by chance I get to travel oversees, I would love to drop in and visit your city!

  8. I visited Kobenhavn by train in December of 1974, leaving my bicycle with friends in Arhus. I was 17, and I thought it was very nice. I spent a couple of days visiting the National Museum, and really enjoyed the ship museum in Roskilde on the way back to Arhus.

    That was during a break in a bicycle trip that started in August in Luxemburg (Air Icelandic) and ended in June of 1975 in Kobenhavn (SAS), via most of Western Europe west of the Alps and north of the Pyranees.

    But reading the blog, things seem to have improved a lot for cyclists in the last 3 dozen years and I wish I could afford to return with my family.

    Marrowstone Island

  9. None of the above. I found this blog after spending a summer in Copenhagen. I will be back next summer too (although not because of this blog).

  10. I always wanted to visit copenghagen and stay there for ever! This blog only strengthened this will. I dont know if I will ever be able to.... This blog made me feel more comfortable on my bicycle!

  11. Already visited Copenhagen and Hanstholm, Hirtshals, Aalborg etc., on business and holidays and found your blog after all that. Enjoy the Danish lifestyle, and since we here in the Shetland Islands are the leftovers from a few Danish visits 500 years or so ago, we're at home in your country. Keep checking in to see how our cousins across the North Sea are doing and enjoying your blog a lot. Gud Yule as we say.

  12. I am an exchange student going to Denmark for a year!! This blog makes me even more excited! I can't wait to be there!

  13. There's a postdoc open there that my partner is applying for. So there's a slim chance of moving to Copenhagen next year. :)

  14. How about the "I now want to LIVE in Copenhagen" option? I visited years ago and should have stayed.

  15. I live here and I love it! Neither more nor less!

  16. Before reading this blog, my response to "Copenhagen?" would have been something like: "Capital of Denmark... Little Mermaid... Number the stars... Push-overs to Germany in WWII?" That was about the extent of my knowledge; I never would have considered visiting during a trip to Europe.

    Now Copenhagen is at the top of the list for future vacation destinations. I'd love to check out the Netherlands, Paris and London too.

  17. Where is the "So I can make the Cycle Chic Calendar" answer? ;-p

  18. Partly because of this blog, we went there for a week-end. Copenhagen is a place where I would like to live and work.


  19. I like it!!
    I never visited Copenhagen and probably I never do it.:(
    But I can visit everyday with your blog. Thank you! :)
    You made me feel more happy on my bicycle in Zaragoza(Spain).

  20. Joseph E - "Push-overs to Germany in WWII?"?

    Interesting perspective. Considering the disparity in population and military might between the two countries it would have been akin to the state of Rhode Island attempting to battle the remainder of the United States. Futile.

    Considering that Denmark managed to save over 99% of its Jewish population from the dying in the Holocaust, being "pushed over" was the best thing that could have happened to them.

    On the subject of the survey, I'd choose "I've never been there but I suspect I'd like to live there."

  21. northern europe-southern europe.
    what about center or eastern europe?
