29 November 2010

Snowpenhagen Transport

Dronning Louises Bridge 017
I love the people with whom I share this city. Snowstorm rolling in, -5 C (-15 C with the windchill) and yet they [we] roll on in style.
Dronning Louises Bridge 021


  1. in Victoria, Canada, people tend to go into fits en masse as soon as even the smallest whiff of snow starts to fall. this past week we got not even two inches of snow and almost everyone i know was moaning, groaning and staying from work/school, and yet they said that i was the crazy one because i was still out and about on my bike.

    it has been/still is an absolute delight seeing what less-silly people do with their weather, especially on bikes :) thanks!

  2. I might have to save this link to show people, as every year people in Ontario claim there are only two months for cycling.

    We haven't seen any snow this year so far, and people are already claiming the weather isn't for cycling (sun and +5C)

  3. let's be honest though: style, but no smiles.

  4. From tommorow on I´ll be visiting Copenhagen for 2 days and planned to bring my bike in the car boot for exploring the town in my free time. Would I drag it down my apartment for nothing or are the streets still passable (I´m not a sniveller by the way)? Tak for any advise ;-)

  5. It was hard to bike this morning as some paths were not cleaned properly. My hand break is broken and the back pedal often don't work too well.

    Let's see how Danes like to bike in -20c (with wind chill).

  6. -20 is not usually a problem. It was -20 with the wind chill when these photos were taken.

    It's even colder today and there are still a few hundred thousand people on bicycles.

    Be sure to see the video a few days back. It was that cold for more of the shots.

    No problem. If you walk in -20, you can ride a bicycle in -20.

    Next question?

  7. Zeitenwende: Just look out the window and see all the bicycles riding past. Then judge if you want to ride.

    When you see a mother or father riding into the vicious headwind with a kid on the back, you'll realise it's no big deal.

    Just dress warm.

  8. I was wondering, how far do they usually cycling everyday? I mean, whether the weather affects the distance?

  9. Well, I´ve brought my bike and didn´t regret it (thanks for your incentive, Mikael!). Exploring this gorgeus city by bike is not beatable by public transport. Cycling on Copenhagen´s wide bike lanes is as smooth as driving a car on a German Autobahn - many speedsters, just a few bullies and everyone respecting each other.

    Seems like hipster bicycles are increasing immensely compared to the last years.

  10. I love the people with whom I share this city. What a lovely sentiment! I so wish I could say the same about my city :-(.
