2 August 2010

The Cat's Meow

Kitty on wheels
I've got a game going on with some friends. There are thousands of photos in the Cycle Chic archives, as well as all the photos from Copenhagenize.com. They test me to see if I have various photos of bicycle-related situations. Like 'you have a photo of someone playing an instrument on a bicycle?' Yeah... duh. Several... :-) "Dog in a basket?" Dozens and dozens.

I discovered, however that one shot I have never taken is of a cat in a bicycle basket. At a lovely summer party a few weeks ago at my friend Kenny's I was telling my friend Dorthe from Biomega about this. She just smiled and said she'd send me a photo. Here it is. A cat in a basket. Nice.

I can die now. No... wait... I still have to take the shot myself! But until then, Dorthe's shot will suffice.


  1. Hilarious! I love this! Loving seeing photos of the animals that practise cycle chic.

  2. Wow, that is a very well-behaved cat!
    What a rare shot indeed!

  3. Whoa! I'm impressed! There's no way my cat would sit in my basket like that. When it came time to move him from one end of town to the other, I had to put him in a crate and push him in a borrowed shopping cart.

  4. Wow. She must have fed him a LOT of catnip to get that shot...!

  5. Wonderful. My cat Julie is so ready to do this...but I've no bike at present & we live in an extremely dangerous area for cars,pedestrians. So biking is out of the question anyway (for me).

    When I (we) house sit for a week in August, there is a lovely new Dutch bike in residence, with basket. Can't wait to ride around the neighborhood. GG goes everywhere I do (in shoulder bag)w/in reason & while I realize this is not that common, I have seen cats travelling about in all sorts of ways over the years. In our area (Washington, DC) for many years, there was Motor Cat. He rode on his guardian's motorcycle. Yes, he had a helmet. I think they've retired as I've not heard, nor seen pix the last few years. But the man & his cat were much loved in this area.

    I look forward to seeing a shot from your own camera some day, too.


  6. Impressive! I don't think I've known a cat who would sit still in a basket long enough for a photo.

  7. my friends' cat is a basket cat. he loves to be sat in any kind of basket, milk crate, box; anything he can be carried around in. and he's got a thing for speed. tina and laura (the cat's owners) don't ride bikes but they let me stick Farley (the cat) in my milk crate and ride around with him. since he's mostly an indoor cat he loves it and the faster i go the more fun he seems to be having. i think he likes it for the same reasons we all do, the freedom and that wonderful feeling of the wind tugging your hair.

  8. What I love is the expression - teh kitteh looks as haughty as Naomi Campbell: "Yes! I know how gorgeous I really am!" (http://www.graphicshunt.com/celebrities/images/naomi_campbell_on_the_catwalk-3086.htm)

  9. We've got a dog in a bicycle basket :-) :

  10. love it where is it taken?

  11. As the Dutch expression goes: "kat in 't bakkie" = "easy peasy".

  12. Oh sure, gettin' a cat in a basket is easy peasy. Just put a basket on the floor somewhere a cat has access to it and the cat will arrange things on its own whether you like or not.

    The tricky part is KEEPING the cat in the basket.

  13. We're on! I'm gonna get Cloud in that basket or BUST.

  14. Miaou! dit lagatta to her fellow feline.

    I'd be hard put to get my literal cat friend, the beautiful black tom Renzo - 14 years old, a stray, and missing for 5 weeks in late autumn two years ago - into a bicycle basket. When he was wee I took him to the vet's in his cat carrier on my bicycle, but now he weighs too much - he isn't remotely fat but he is a long, somewhat muscular old guy - and I'm too afraid he'd throw us off.

  15. Wanna play ? :-)
    Do you have those ?
    - drinking alcohol
    - barefeet
    - with a laptop
    - carrying people (with different styles of carrying: handlebar, on the saddle, on the rack, cargo)
    - animals (<> cat and dog)
    I'll always remember your video where the lady read a book on her Christiania bike. I cry of joy just thinking of it

