17 July 2010

Travellin' Season

Roskilde Bound
Summertime is travellin' time. Most Danes get 5-6 weeks of annual holiday and a large chunk of that is reserved for summer. The bicycle is often involved in some way when you're heading off somewhere. These first three photos were all taken a few weeks ago and there are good odds that these Copenhageners were heading off to the Roskilde Music Festival.
Roskilde or Camping

Roskilde Boys

Baggage - En Route to Train Station
This chap is probably not off to France on his bicycle, but he could surely be headed to the train station.
This shot is from August last year. A camping holiday awaits.
Lug Luggage
Arrival or departure? We'll never know.
Luggage Left Luggage Right
Most suitcases have wheels these days, so that means they go hand in hand with bicycles. Just drag them along behind you.

Baggage Carrier
And when you buy a suitcase for your upcoming holiday, it doesn't transport itself home, now does it? That's what bicycles are for.

Maybe you're staying at home this year and tending the garden or fixing up the house. All the stuff you need has to get home on two wheels.

As for me, I'm off to Melbourne on Sunday, with my son Felix, and I'm very much looking forward to speaking at the State of Design Festival with my Four Goals for Promoting Urban Cycling talk. There will be a mini Cycle Chic Conference, as Unity Finesmith, from Auckland Cycle Chic is flying in for the talk. Always brilliant to connect with the Cycle Chic network.

After Melbourne, the Boy Wonder and I will be beach bumming it in Abu Dhabi for week. Catching some rays, hanging by the pool and on the beach. Niiiice.


  1. Amazing! I'm such a wimp that I can barely manage to carry my (large) stack of books home from the library. These guys inspire me to try, though.

  2. The blue summer sky is inspiring.

  3. love the guy dragging his wheelie case along - fantastic !

  4. 5-6 weeks of holiday... Wow. Here in the States most of the people I know get 1-2 weeks a year. I really should think about moving to Copenhagen... All that and extra holiday as well.

  5. you'd also see a much higher cost of living, william; so it's tit-for-tat.

    anyways, i've rode my road bike a few times on short trips to campgrounds with my large travel bag on and i find that because of having to lean forward aggressively on the road bike i get a terrible pain in my neck from straining against the top part of the bag. i need to get me a dutch-style cruiser so i'm sitting up straight.

  6. I am new to your blog and just love it! This post is my favorite so far!!! Awesome :o)

  7. You're a hero. Abu Dhabi in high summer!

  8. Biggest, most difficult thing I carried on my bike was an aquarium (empty). I had it strapped to my back, and prayed I didn't come off.
    That would have been messy.

  9. woaaa...

    Happy Holiday everyone!!

    enjoy your summer!

  10. No doubt about it, the Danes know how to live.

  11. Wonderful! However, I noticed the lack of carriers and panniers. Also, most of the bikes have large wheels - 700. Myself I have all sorts, including furniture (small).

  12. I meant, myself I have transported all sorts on my bike, including furniture (small).

  13. Love the wheelie suitcase shots. So logical. Denmark has warmer summers than I realised - I wish the Sydney people who won't ride because they're afraid of getting sweaty knew this. I keep carolling "comfort, not speed" but drivers are very aggressive here. Enjoy lovely, civilised Melbourne.

  14. Was great listening to you talk in Melbourne.
    My partner and i were already onto your train of thought and have alredy found suppliers of the cargo bike, this would be perfect instead of backpacks to do our market food shoppig in!

    Alas for the silly helmet laws out here! They are pointless and will ruin the bike share scheme....

    Thanks again for your talk!

  15. Was great listening to you talk in Melbourne.
    My partner and i were already onto your train of thought and have alredy found suppliers of the cargo bike, this would be perfect instead of backpacks to do our market food shoppig in!

    Alas for the silly helmet laws out here! They are pointless and will ruin the bike share scheme....

    Thanks again for your talk!
