1 July 2010

Dutch Couple in Dublin

Dublin Cycle Chic - Dutch Couple Night Ride
I met this Dutch couple at the Cycle Chic Fashion Show in Dublin. Dressed to the nines and riding sensible upright bicycles. Actually, the girl is importing Dutch-made bicycles called Bear Bicycles From Amsterdam. Just started. Keep your eyes peeled on the streets of the Irish capital.

Dublin Cycle Chic - Dutch Couple Night
They were kind enough to loan this Danish Bicycle Ambassador one of the bicycles for the ride to the post-fashion show party at the Residence club.

Dublin Cycle Chic - Dutch Couple Night Ride2
Which meant, of course, that he doubled her for the journey.

Dublin Cycle Chic - Dutch Couple Kiss


  1. That first shot is breathtaking!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. B E autiful!!!!! and smart :O)

  4. steelshwinnster3 July 2010 at 05:40

    It's pictures like these that keep my hope alive that the simple bicycle can change the world.

  5. Amazing, I want to be them.

  6. How do you see photos like this and not covet the experience of riding a Dutch bike dressed up in such a lovely locale?

  7. Very cool photos and a very cool looking lifestyle.

  8. Hi Mikael,

    Thanks for these lovely pictures of Joni and myself. And thanks to your readers for their kind comments.

    To be fair: your pictures probably give us more allure than we deserve. Truthfuly: starting a bike business in Dublin is great fun; but it's also a lot of work. Most of the time, we wear old clothes covered with bike grease.

    I am taking the liberty of leaving a comment, for some of your visitors who might be interested in the Dutch bicycles Joni is selling in Dublin. We would love to hear from them if they think Dublin is moving in the right direction.

    We have the feeling it is.

    Keep up the great blogging,
    yours truly

    (the guy wearing the tuxedo)
