2 July 2010

Dublin's Cycling Chic Ladies

Dublin Cycle Chic - Skirting
Here are some more shots from the streets and bike lanes of Dublin. It was amazing to see how many were cycling on the two days I was there. There are many bike lanes in place and people were using them. It helps that the city implemented 30 km/h zones in many areas, to keep the motorized traffic slow and civilised.
Dublin Cycle Chic - Style
Enjoy the beautiful people of Dublin on their bicycles.
Dublin Cycle Chic - Classic

Dublin Cycle Chic - Summertime

Dublin Cycle Chic - Floral Dublin Cycle Chic - Hat

Dublin Cycle Chic - Afternoon Traffic


  1. This is awesome. I wanna move to Dublin! haha



  2. Just spotted my daughters bike......chic central!!
