15 April 2010

Rainyhagen Copenwet

Copenhagen Rain
Copenhagen rain protection. The back of your hand. Keep on rolling.
copenhagen Rain2
I'm in Catalonia at the moment. When you travel you always kind of hope the weather is crap back home, don't you? Strange but true.


  1. this picture reminds me of cycling in Germany. i think it rained for 6 months straight!

  2. well, thank god it's not. sunshine all over the place here in cph!

  3. This kind of raises a question in my mind. I see pictures all the time of Japanese riders holding umbrellas while they sedately roll on to their destination (although I seem to remember reading that this was made illegal a year or so ago), and I know from when I was in the Netherlands that many Dutch ride with an umbrella in one hand when it rains (hmm, that must mean at least half the time — sorry voor de grap!).

    Do Danish bike riders ride with umbrellas in the rain, or is it less part of the cycling culture there?

    PS I hope you travelled by train, not by plane... But then if by plane, perhaps you might have a little more time to spend in Barcelona and/or Lleida, which can't be a bad thing at all!

  4. http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/tt/acc84/#TL

  5. Haha, it's true. But I am happy to report that we have the most beautiful springy, sunny and warm weather back here in Copenhagen. Sandra

  6. ...and let's add that it is raining here in Catalunya

  7. Hey, I'm here too. And you're taller in real life!

  8. It's nice to everyonce in a while see someone in CCC looking like she isn't having such a cycle chic moment. It's been extremely windy in Flagstaff this week and pedaling into the headwind, my hair has been flying around like mad and my face in a twisted knot. The weather is not always our friend.

  9. Nice shot! Looks like biking in Vancouver during the Winter!

  10. Hi Cphcyclechic gang,

    I find on an article taking about Crowne Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen. It appear that 2 cycle are install in the hall of entry and that visitor cycling to produces energy to light the hotel. When you do that you are freely fed.


    Tell me do it is right ?

    And if is it, please do the bicycle are pimp to look Cph cycle chic ? Have a photo ? If not should be a good idea. And please don't wear a helmet it's a static bike :)

    Have a nice day !

    Charlotte from Canada

  11. i honestly wish they were more rainy days here in SF, i think im the only californian that you will hear say that. i do love it, what is wrong with people - it's just water!

  12. That reminds me of riding in Seattle. It never stops raining there. Man that place has a nice nightlife.
