2 March 2010

First Day of Spring My Ass

First Day of Spring Yeah Righty
The First of March. Traditionally the first day of Spring.
First Day of Spring Yeah Right
Yeah, right. Snowstorm, icy winds, temperatures hovering reluctantly above freezing.
Beach Bicycle Parking
Bring on the beach. Sooner rather than later. Pleeeeease!


  1. Feeling your pain in DC. Fume.

  2. Another André3 March 2010 at 00:26

    I believe the first day of spring usually falls on the Spring equinox which is March 20th this year. So there's still hope.

  3. I am in Charleston, SC we are around latitude 33* and they have forecast SNOW for tonight! I completely concur "Spring my Ass!"

    BTW norm temps for this year are "supposed" to be 66*/43*F (19/6C) not a high of 42*!(6*C)

    But there is hope on the horizon for Sunday (aptly named)


  4. I'm with you, March heralds spring so March 1st really should arrive with singing birds, flowers and balmy weather...ahh to dream in dreary, cold New England.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. First day of autumn here in Sydney! I welcomed the respite as the temperature dropped from the 30s to 26 for my cycle in to work. Some of us yearn for the winter!

  7. It doesn't look very spring like !

  8. Please give us some warmth ! Cycling in a T-shirt might be possible...

  9. I'm with André. Spring starts at the equinox, that's basic astronomy. It's not Mother Nature's duty to pander to any weird calendar mere humans dream up.

    Still, this winter has been a b*tch. Today is nice, though.

  10. Normally I love winter and snowstorms, but, yep, now it gets a bit long in the tooth... Still have fond memories of cycling around CPH like last week, despite snow and sludge and all!


  11. The first day of Spring is March 20 or 21st, it's coming my friend!

  12. It's the typical easy way that the Danes have to remember when it's the beginning of seasons. Even my Astrophysics professor in Denmark said that before being a scientist he's a Dane therefore Spring/Summer... begins on the 1st of the March/June... I certainly do not understand this but they think it's like this, eventhough there's still snow (Feb. is the coldest month in the year) and the birds will only come in the end of this month.
    With all this climate change I wonder if even the equinox makes sense :P
    Anyway, it's correct in the Danish point of view to say that the 1st day of Spring starts on the 1st of March. Just let it go... today is a lovely sunny day, cold but sunny.

  13. hee hee! Love the title - and I'm with you on the "bring on spring" theme!! I've always wondered how bicyclist's fared in snowy weather? It's been the frozen tundra here in South Dakota ... the streets are packed with bumpy ice. argh...

  14. So it's not just us here in Norway trying to cycle on snow....most comforting.
