19 February 2010

Suck it Up Buttercup

You know what? It's just snow and wind. It ain't walking across lava or climbing Everest. Sure, it's nicer in July when you're heading for the beach in a light, summer dress and flip flops. We can all agree on that. And that season will come. For now, the bicycle is still quick and easy and will get you where you want to go. In style. In your regular winter clothes. On your regular bike. If the good people of Copenhagen can do it, so can anyone. We're not superhuman. We just get on with it.
Suck it up buttercup
And if you face a headwind now, it'll be a tailwind later.

Miller Beer understood this silly snow business with this advert.


  1. I grew up riding bikes in a cold country and now ride a bike in a hot country. Not much you can do in hot weather to stay cool except ride slowly and wear as little as decently possible (and weave all over the road to follow shade if no one's around...). Winter's easy, you just put more clothes on. These really are some chic cyclists!

  2. Great photos! These young women are my heroes!

  3. Great post. You make me feel guilty. Where is the tire pump? Time to quit being a wuss!

  4. Hej M
    Saw this quote and thought of you...

    "Photography as a fad is well-nigh on its last legs, thanks principally to the bicycle craze."

    -- Alfred Stieglitz
    The American Annual of Photography, 1897

    Happy February

  5. Wow! These girls are much braver than I - I'll be taking the bus until spring. :)

  6. You have the bike lanes though. Sadly some of us don't. I used to bike a lot in Chicago and other college towns. In some places I thought I'd run over any day.

  7. I want to say thanks for this post. Some might find it obnoxious etc - no one likes to be told to suck it up- but I do find your winter pics inspiring. I live in the land of not great bike lanes and drivers who are known as "Massholes" so my bikinglife won't ever be as idealic. However whenever I think "riding today would be insane" I have mental pictures of quite the opposite. SOmetimes I choose to ride, sometimes I choose to drive- but I have pictures that support my riding and that's rad. Last night I went out in 35 F clear skies for a half mile away to a party. The hostess said " I can't believe you biked with the icy roads and all." No icy road. Not even cold. just sheer wood smoke loveliness while dressed for cocktails. So yeah- thanks!
