4 February 2010

Nothing Personal

Strangers in the Snow
Copenhagener A: Nothing personal. I'm not ignoring you. I just don't know you and, besides, I'm trying to cross the street.

Copenhagener B: Whatever.

I got asked once if cyclists wave at each other in Copenhagen, like they apparently do in other places. Ever tried to wave at ten thousand people on a morning commute to work? Nah. Me neither. :-)

In other non-related news, there's an interview about Cycle Chic on the hot trend website The Inside Source. Check it out before your other Facebooking Twitter friends stumble upon it and Dig it.


  1. I'm so glad that you're getting even more recognition. (As in the Blog of Note)...


  2. Brilliant photography.
    You make we want to start photographing more.

  3. Great job of capturing that moment perfectly!

  4. People don't wave at each other in Cambridge either. That would get so tedious, especially at major junctions, when there are 50 cyclists next to you.

  5. Waving comes from parts of the world where it's us against the cars--and so anyone on a bicycle is a friend (as long as they aren't being a total jackass).

    You can think of that what you will, but at least we don't discriminate against people for wearing clothes we don't like.

  6. but hating people who use other transport forms is okay. Ah. I get it. Of course.
