15 February 2010

Grey Coat

What can I say except she was going damn fast. So I do understand her eyes needed that extra protection against hostile snowflakes.


  1. Don't we all wish we looked that good flying by on a bike?!

  2. She is gorgeous. What a great moment you've captured.

  3. You have captured not only the beaauty of the woman but you have also captured the beauty of the snow and her reactions to it

  4. I love the way her hair wraps around the scarf/hood.

    Great shot!

  5. Superb shot!! She looks like she's just riding home from a fashion shoot. Love the fair skin against the black scarf & hat.
    Just wonder if the hand actually stops any snow from hitting her pretty face - especially considering she's barrelin' along. I'm sure the physicists and meteorologists here can clarify that one.

    Anyway, classic classic classic bike chic shot.

  6. That picture is stunning. I forgot to breathe for a few moments. So much happening but frozen in a single moment of time. It would make a beautiful calendar shot.

  7. I think I'm in love....

  8. This is beautiful.

  9. This is as cool a photo as you can get, why the cycle industry do not use images like this to sell bikes I just dont know. Everyone needs a proper bike outside their front door to make life easier and these are the images that will sell that reality. Great image congrats

  10. She deserves sa copy of this shot — I think she would love it. You should do some kind of "hvem er du, hvor er du?" contest for all the people who have shown up in your best shots! Let them know that just by cycling past your lens in their daily routine, they are inspiring thousands elsewhere.

  11. The comment above leaves me with a question:

    Mikael, how much response do you get from the people you picture?

    Do much people ever comment back on the pictures you took from them? Are they generally pleased?

    Do you ever have any trouble with people upset, not wanting to be pictured or exposed?

    Thank you.

  12. I have only ever had one case of feedback from someone I shot. Actually it was from the father of a teenage daughter, but he thought it was a cool shot.

  13. About 15 times in three years people have recognized themselves on the blog. All positive responses. They all get a hi-res version of the photo. Most recently, the chap with the skiis on his back spotted himself: http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/2010/01/gentlemen-strangers-on-wheels.html

    I get many emails from people who say they're hoping to see themselves on the blog one day.

  14. il vero spirito di KBH!!!! Great site Very good job!!!!!


  15. Your images have begun to take on a distinct flavor. As I started to scan through the photos (my attention has been elsewhere for a while and I have some catching up to do) my eyes rested on this one and I thought to myself, "Ah, that's one's by Lars."

    It's a very tasty flavor and this one particularly so.

  16. Lars, this is one of your best photographs on Cycle CHic ever - the lightness of her face against the dark hood, the way she is partially hidden / mysterious by her hand, the warmth of the lights in the shop in the background against the cold of her reality - just PERFECT! Many congratulations!

  17. I think she was trying to keep her hat on!

  18. AMAZING CAPTURE!!! so beautiful :)
