27 January 2010


North Bridge Street

Musical Winter


  1. Nice, really want a fur hat for cycling.

  2. Are you too poor to afford an automobile? Maybe we could all send you a euro and then you can buy a used Lada.

  3. http://www.etsy.com/shop/AREVA

  4. Poor? Lol. Here's a list of the world's richest countries. you figure it out. send the money anyway, we'll use it on cafe lattes.

  5. I personally think its cool, reduce global warming, get healthy, and get refresh

  6. i just spent two weeks in Denmark...you have amazingly elegant bicycles there
    and bicyclists with manners [unlike those in SOuth Australia]
    and of course lots of lovely boots
    places to skate


  7. I don't think she is poor ... but is making us understand the effect of Global Warming ... and riding a bike is a good way to have a healthy life !!!! keep riding the bike ...and nice shoes !

  8. Do people really ride this much in winter. Here the only people out riding in winter are those training for a race or in a riding club. I NEVER (even in warm weather)see people in work or dress clothes riding. I LOVE it!!! I wish it was the cuture here... we could all be healthier.
    Great Blog!

  9. Copenhagen offsets high latitude short days and lack of sunshine with CycleChics. It works. I can even feel it here thousands of miles away.

  10. Nice blog! Greetings from Romania.
    Keep up the good work. You make me happy every day with your posts. We have -25 degrees Celsius so I cannot ride my bike anymore.

  11. Hello blog of note

    Well done for your acheivements

  12. Delírio

    Existem algumas máximas tão convenientes quanto verdadeiras,
    Como precisar de gente para ser feliz...
    Eu queria tanto, ter um amor doce e lindo,
    para eu ser menino, descabelar, sair, voar,
    ser notas musicais, encher espaços de cantos,
    e sorrir muito da beleza da vida.
    Eu queria tanto esse amor lunar, estelar,
    floral e me aflorar em teu peito, te fazer menina.
    E te ver tão linda, mas, que só meus olhos a visse.
    Como faz o amor a quem se cega.
    Queria-te assim ouvindo teu - eu te amo -,
    como se fosse uma prece, como quando eu te chamo.
    Queria-te tanto assim, como... sonhos reconhecendo sentimentos.
    Eu queria tanto que você também, sentisse...

    José dos reis Santos - poeta del Brasil.
    Boa noite, belíssima – beijo do poeta!

  13. Inspirational photo. Our bikes are hanging in the garage until the snow flakes stop falling.

  14. poor,not sur at all..
    healthy and chic .. certainly!

    bravo pour votre blog..

  15. Does everyone have amazing boots there, or do you just find the fashionable ones, pedaling away?

    I love your pictures and blog. My only question: Are they really listening to music on those headphones? While biking?

  16. These are awesome! I love your blog.


  17. People don't ride bicycles to safe the world, come in good shape or because they're poor

    They do it to go work, school,do some shopping or visit some friends...

    But cars are quite expensive in Denmark so it's not like everyone has one. But most people have a bike. Go figure...

  18. Poor? Some of these people are wearing clothes that are worth more than my last car. Hell, some of these people are carrying BAGS that are worth more than my last car; which wasn't a Lada. I sold the car, not because I was poor. It was because I never used it; I had a bicycle.

    So a guy walks into a parts store and asks, "Could you give me a rear view mirror for my Lada?"

    The guy behind the counter thinks for a minute and replies, "Yeah, I guess. Sounds like a fair trade."
