29 January 2010

Paint by Numbers in Style

Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
Listen. Regardless of the snow and the sub-zero temperatures, sometimes you just have to buy paint and buckets and brushes and rollers. As this Copenhagener demonstrates a couple of days ago when yet another snowstorm rolled over the city. My friend Theis Mortensen, intrepid photo correspondent, captured this little slice of Copenhagen Bicycle Life for Cycle Chic.
Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
The temperature was -5 degrees Celcius with a wind chill that took us down to -15.
Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
Nothing stops the style or the bicycles in Copenhagen. Or the painting, for that matter.

And please, wherever possible, endevour to ensure that your clothing matches your bicycle. Thank you.


  1. I love the mix of practical and stylish. She is so gorgeous - wonder what colour the paint was...purple?

  2. Copenhagen cycle chick29 January 2010 at 12:51

    Ok, this is where I put my foot down (in practical winter boots mind you). I bike everyday during winter. Even during the snow storm the other day. I always wear a skirt. My winter boots have heels. But stilletto heels in this kind of weather? I'm sorry, that's just madness. It is slippery and icy out there and I wouldn't risk a broken leg for looking chic.

    But fab heels and she looks gorgeous.

  3. I wonder if she will be wearing those heels while painting too!!

  4. I didn't think Danish cycle chicks could get much cuter.....I was wrong......and soooooo chic as well.

  5. wow o wow holy cow! i wish all of the girlie cyclists in Tucson, AZ would dress like this ! ;) seriously though, we have 360 days of sunshine and balmy weather all 'winter' so we really have no excuses for our lack of style. i, personally, always bring it.
    but this girl.
    this girl is gorgeous. glowing. gotta love it.

  6. obverse

    His presence is like a light.
    Whose light is the sun and moon in the cold in the heat ...
    Things of nostalgia, things of love.
    - That distance will touch people who love!
    I only want to see you always ... in all seasons!

    Good afternoon, beautiful - kiss the poet!

  7. Ru) Да велосипеды очень гармонично вписались в нашу жизнь. Это действительно великое изобретение. На велосипедах можно проводить значительную часть нашей жизни)))

  8. -5? Child's play.
    I thought it was cold in Copenhagen.

  9. I love your clever comments. I tried checking out a copycat cycle chic American blog and it hurt my eyes. My god, my people are unfashionable on their bikes. If only we had better bike lanes, I think the fashion on wheels would follow. Or maybe not. For some reason Americans would laugh at heels on bikes- but it works, obviously.

  10. I adore her tights. I have some like that and I feel like I never can wear them enough. But how can she stand the COLD! What a stylish trooper.

    ALSO... great shoes :D

  11. re: anonymous' comment -
    I think it might have something to do with the bicycle having more association with sport than with transport in most of America. We really ought to take inspiration from Copenhagen.

  12. How many people cycle when it's -5 C plus windchill where you live?

  13. It's regularly below that here now and people are still jogging in great numbers in my town and kids are walking to school. I don't find it that cold. Biking however is recreational, as mentioned, and not used as transport very often. So you don't see it much in winter, let alone see it done stylishly. It is cultural. If it were done more, I'm sure it would catch on in cities or towns not so spread out.

  14. Yes, she looks lovely. I wouldn't wear heels like that in slippery slightly snowy weather either, but I could be her mum. I have a béret like hers. Love the coat.

    Actually warm winter tights are plenty warm at -5c on a bicycle. Typically one's bottom half gets warmer than one's top half as it is doing constant physical effort (only true on top, say if you are climbing). Those tights look nice and opaque.

    Mikael, more and more people cycling at -5c and even -15c today here (but not me: at very low temps I have respiratory problems but that has nothing to do with the bicycle). I did have my bicycle out all last week.

    The central arrondissement of Plateau Mont-Royal, where an environmentalist party won the arrondissement (district) election, has been ploughing the bicycle paths there. La Piste Claire-Morrissette is also ploughed. We have a long way to go but are making some progress.

  15. CambridgeUk is sadly sans cycle chic....and I am a lycra type so mea culpa.....but the ladies on this site...total rspect....complete balance on 5'' heels on ice and i would fall flat on my face wearing Look shoes....no contest...Ladies you are totally gorgeous and I have total respect for you...just wish you were in Cambridge....love you all....Leon in Cambridge

  16. I love this, beautiful photography! ANd i love the pale pink bike with the plum tights!

    PLEASE check out my blog


    I just started :)

  17. Beautiful girls on bikes, you are so lucky Mikael. I love to see them all. However, I am intrigued to find out why I never see cyclists, of either sex, who have fallen as a result of icy conditions ??

  18. welshcyclist: after three years of documenting our bicycle culture and staring at it 24/7 i've only ever seen four 'accidents'. one was a broken leg after getting hit by a car, the others were typical bicycle topplings. i don't have photos of any of them and so far this winter I haven't seen any slip-sliding incidents.

  19. "And please, wherever possible, endevour to ensure that your clothing matches your bicycle."

    Bugger off. It's not everyone's life goal to fit someone else's idea of "chic."

  20. (singsongingly)

    Someone's lost his sense of huuuumorrrr!!!


  21. kind of tricky, i dare say, to 'bugger off' from one's own blog. wouldn't it be easier if 'lack of sense of humour' took leave of us?
