12 January 2010

Nice Coat

Not particularly cycle chic/fashion-oriented this film featuring someone you may, or may not, recognize and who was frightfully tired that day, but it explains a bit about our cycling infrastructure here in the World's Cycling Capital.

Although, on a fashion note, the coat is the best winter purchase I've made in recent years. A smashingly dapper coat from Danish brand Bruuns Bazaar. Thick wool and nice and long... perfect for cycling about my city.


  1. This is wonderful! I'm sending it to everyone I know (& some that I do not...like city & county council types). You look great in your coat:)

    I live in a very urban neighborhood but with two of the busiest streets in metro area (just on one side of Washington DC borderline). It's so dangerous --for everyone, including law abiding pedestrians--that I've not been able to ride a bicycle for many years here. (Unless someone drives us & the bicycles to a path...sort of defeats the purpose.)

    ciao & thanks for all your terrific work.



  2. guapooooooo!!!you look great on this coat!

  3. I also have a Bruuns Bazaar peacoat :-)

    good stuff, has lasted for 10 years and is still going strong. But I don't use it everyday only on the weekends

  4. Got an home guard greatcoat, 1954 vintage, fifteen kilos of combat grade felt, deep rich grey, reaching halfway down my calves, retrofitted with brass and red enamel buttons, 100% proof against all kinds of weather, so roll over.


    Goes well with my Red Army belt buckle. Donning it with heavy boots, shades and a purposeful stride, it'll part the crowd like Moses going through the Red Sea.

    Cost me a 110 kroners - twenty dollars - at Hotkotyr, best purchase I ever made.

    Alas, the seams are beginning to part. Funny thing is, there must've been made at least twenty millions of them made, they were standard military issue in most European countries for almost a hundred years, yet they are impossible to find today. I tried several military surplus stores, they all suggested I buy some flimsy, punk, cotton crap, resplendent with fake insignia and phoney regimental markings. Pah!

    Even the copies are sold out.


  5. an excellent little post about what is happening. Very informative.

  6. oh how i wish there was this tolerance here.
    all that happens here in australia is constant blame by drivers and by cyclists.
    it is so territorial.
    this seems such a contrast to Copenhagen...
    one reason i will be moving from this land back to europe soon, but i digress.
    fascinating blog and video, i know if i sent it here, all people would worry about was who was paying, how they would cope without their BMW and it's DVD players entertaining their fat kids in the back...

  7. What a cool movie! I have been looking for that pink cargo parking car forever. I still haven't found it.

    Oh, and I too have a Bruuns wool coat for riding around town. Funny.

  8. my coat and I thank you for the comments. :-)

    sandra... krusågade, på vesterbro. that's where the pink car is. on the corner of dybbølsgade.

  9. I'm another Australian cyclist speechless with envy. I try to ride with dignity and humour (and in frocks) in order to cope with the aggressive traffic and almost complete lack of infrastructure, but it almost makes me weep to see how it could be! My nearest bike lane is 500mm wide and ends at an intersection controlled by traffic lights only for traffic coming the other way. Cyclists have to break the law to continue the journey. Cheers!

  10. Wonderful! Now I want to go for a ride on my bike!

  11. Tired or not you still look very appealing to me.

    Thanks for the informative video. European attitudes are completely different from North American when it comes to bikes.

    My son and I laughed when we watched Oprah's show about the typical "Danish" apartment. (I think she actually called Danes "Denmarkians" at one point). She featured some ultra-chic place with a glass staircase and a glass shower off the living room. We were both pretty sure this was not ordinary.

    Anyway I liked your video and I'm off to find out more about your blogg

  12. Very nice movie Mikael!
    I really enjoyed listening and watching! :)

  13. Wonderful! We here in Portland think we are bike friendly, but could learn a few things from you!
