12 January 2010

All Round Cycle Chic

Copenhagen Winter Cycling Clothes
Let it snow. It doesn't stop the bicycles and, more importantly, it doesn't stop the cycle chic.
Winter Music
Your own personal soundtrack to accompany the ballet of human-powered transport is a must.
One and Two
Quite possibly the loveliest way to be overtaken whilst commuting. Two girlfriends enjoying a lively natter moving past you on their bicycles. Even if you don't know them and will never see them again, this is one of the brilliant aspects of urban cycling - the human factor. The close promixity to your fellow citizens, the sound of human conversation. You cycle through the city and, in thanks, the city reaches out and embraces you.
Brian Holm and Jesper Worre
I went for a bike ride the other day with a number of people. Among them were two former professional cyclists. Brian Holm, who lives down the street from here, and Jesper Worre, who is now head of the Danish Cycle Union and who runs the sports side of cycling in this country. Brian was looking all Copenhagen dapper and riding a beat up old Kronan. A bike that compliments the family's workhorse Nihola cargo bike. A far cry from the feathery-light bikes he used to race but perfect for Style Over Speed Cycle Chic.
Winter Rush Hour
And finally, a quick glance as some bicycle traffic. Wave after wave roll through the city.


  1. Dry eyes? Bigger biking-concerns are hard to imagine. I practically get my eyeballs sucked out of their sockets, just by looking at a bike. Or perhaps looking at the creature straddling that ugly contraption, but anyway, hell, yes, no matter what's the reason, all of biking Copenhagen know of THAT pestilent affliction.

    Dry eyes... Please tell us, is there a remedy?

    Oh, I see you've posted a link! Thanks!


  2. Why doesn't anyone wear a helmet?

  3. For some reason I often find it quite entertaining to ride my bike in the snow.

  4. Riding with Brian Holm ~ very cool.

  5. Matt, why do you ask THAT question, rather than the obvious one:

    WHY wear a helmet?

    Not wearing something is the null hypothesis and the wearing of something the hypothesis that requires a justification.

    Why don't you wear a Davey Crockett hat or a ruff?

    You see? The immediate and instinctive reaction is something along the lines of "That's stupid. Why the hell WOULD I?"

    And yet there was a time and place where people of a certain class wouldn't have dreamed of going out in public without a ruff to protect their neck and themselves from ridicule.

    Fashion is a funny business and one should be wary of it.

  6. Mikael, it has always puzzled me why American racers as a rule refuse to ride anything but a race bike for everything; and a good one at that.

    Mario Andretti didn't drive a Lotus 78 out to the shops. He drove a pickup or some such, a sensible vehicle for the task at hand. He didn't wear a helmet while doing so, nor even Nomex undies, even though he had been burned himself. His racing pals didn't razz him for the practice or anything, it's what they did too.

    Riding racing equipment when you aren't racing accomplishes nothing but chewing up the ever more expensive bits for nothing.

  7. Mark from California15 January 2010 at 00:32

    I thought going for a "bike ride" was something "you apparently do in Emerging Bicycle Cultures." :)

    Sorry but that line from the San Francisco story always bothered me.

  8. good point, kfg.

    mark; while i'm pleased that something i wrote has stuck with you for so long, i'm sorry if it bothered you.

    it was meant as a joke.

  9. Mark from California15 January 2010 at 19:21

    No worries. It just seemed like an odd comment from someone who loves bicycles. But I see your point that even most of the people who use bikes for utilitarian purposes in the US were sport or recreational cyclists first.

    BTW - Eric Zo is an old friend of mine that I have not seen in years and it was great to see the two of you in some of the photos.
