9 December 2009

Win a Bicycle with Cycle Chic and Velorbis in Copenhagen!

Cycle Chic is pleased to announce that we've teamed up with Danish bicycle brand Velorbis for a Climate Conference Gorgeousness Competition.

We figured that since the whole world is in our fine city at the moment, we'd offer our guests the chance to win an iconic, Danish Design, upright bicycle. What better way to remember our cycling city than by winning a red Velorbis Studine bicycle and taking it home with you.

The competition starts today, December 9th, 2009 and entries will be accepted until midnight on Monday, December 14th, 2009. The winner will be announced at 09:00 CET on Tuesday, December 15th, 2009.

It's open to guests to Copenhagen who are in town at the moment for the UN Climate Conference. Participants must answer a question and the best answer will win the bicycle.

In 25 words or less, please answer this question:

"How will you personally commit to a better environment IN STYLE, with this bicycle if you win it?"

Entries are submitted to this blog post in the comments section - see farther down. All entries must include at least a first name and a hometown. If you don't want to write more than that when entering, fine, but if you win we'll want your name and photo on the blog!

We like original, funny, ironic, witty, by the way, but we're wide open to everything else.

Here's what you can win:

It's a red Velorbis 'Studine' [the Danish word for female student], fresh from the factory in Germany. You only win the bicycle, not the Danish Bicycle Ambassador and Cycle Chic chap in the photo. Fortunately for you. Seriously. He's high-maintenence. Be pleased you just get the damned bicycle.

For more information about the Velorbis Studine, check out Velorbis' website right here.

The Velorbis Studine has a retail price in Denmark of 4699 kroner and in the USA of $1295. So THAT'S cool.

In addition, and as a nod of respect to that other cycling nation, the Netherlands, you'll get Basil pannier bags - Blossom Twig style. They'll match your red Studine perfectly.

- The competition is aimed at foreign guests who are currently in Copenhagen for the Climate Conference. If you're not in Copenhagen and/or if you don't know what the climate conference is, you probably shouldn't enter.
- Cycle Chic decides the winner of the competition. The answer that best appeals to us and that best includes the cycle chic lifestyle will win. Total and utter personal taste on our part.
- The bicycle you'll win is the exact one in the photo with Mikael, above. As is, baby.
- The winner will be announced on Tuesday, 15 December 2009. It is up to the participants to check the blog to see if they won and to contact Cycle Chic using the information that will be provided on the day here on the blog.
- Cycle Chic will arrange with the winner a time - during the day between December 15th and December 17th - to pick up the bicycle, take photos and all that.
- Once Cycle Chic hands over the bicycle, what the winner does with it is up to them. Shipping it home or taking it on the plane/train as baggage? That's up to you how and where and when and how much. As soon as you get the bike, it's your bike. Period. No, Cycle Chic or Velorbis we won't help you pay for getting it home.
- Entries that are not 25 words or less will be disqualified.
- Who knows... we may add stuff here if we think it up.

Blah blah blah... Get writing! May the best 25 words or less win!


  1. "Green and clean, is my Studine,
    and I will inspire all,
    with my cycle-logical dream"

    Victor Branagan,
    Dublin City, Ireland
    currently Karlskrona, Sweden.

  2. If I get that bike, I promise that I will never ride it without a perfect moustache. Never.

  3. Goodbye car. Hello red bike. Hello, bus, hello train- meet bike. Hello rainy streets, hello passing motorist, hello sunshine and snowdrops- meet red bike.

    chicago, il

  4. Thanks for the three first entries! Great stuff.

    I'd just like to reiterate for everyone involved that particpants are expected to be in Copenhagen to recieve the bicycle if they win.

    Thanks! Go crazy.

  5. I will walk and row boat to Copenhagen, wearing a full tweed suit, and matching cap. Biking and boating home to Oakland, CA. Low CO2 all the way.

  6. i will ride around toronto on this beautiful red bicycle with panniers that say "life's better in copenhagen".

  7. El cycle won in a eco loci. Pedal! Go! O' glad, epic ol' ocean, I now "el cycle"!

    (It's weird... but it reads both backwards and forwards!)
    Vancouver, Canada

  8. Oh beautiful red Studine, please come home with me. A perfect match we are as we inspire others to park their car.

    Heather Shand
    Portland, Maine USA
    currently Karlskrona, Sweden

  9. I need this bike because it's the only way my transport will be as stylish as I am in this divine green city.

    from California
    in Copenhagen right this second

  10. If this bike was to find it's way to me, I would become vegetarian to reduce my carbon footprint. what has more stlye than that?

    Tony Gushanas
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
    currently Kobenhavn, Danmark

  11. There was a Car and a CHICK Bicycle they had a race. Bike won the race
    Never trust a THING that causes smoke and noise

  12. I will commit to riding my stunning Sturdine to the farmers market every Friday and Saturday, and ride home stylishly with a big smile, and a basket full of freshly baked bread, plants, and vegetables. I will also ride it with a smile to school where I study 'Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability'. Who would not want to follow a sustainable path when being led by this gorgeous cruiser!

    Crystal Grover
    studying in: Karlskrona, Sweden
    hometown: Chicago, IL, USA

  13. I will install a distance meter and bike at least 12,756.32 kilometers. And symbolically I will be going around the earth in C02-free STYLE!

    Note to participation: Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to circumnavigate the earth. He did it in the 16th century. In this century I will commit to symbolically circumvent it by bike.

    By the way: we are both Portuguese! ;)

    Fábio Pereira
    Lisbon, PORTUGAL

  14. Well, does the red colour stand for REDD+? If so, good. If not, maybe I should ask you to paint it green...

  15. "I will ride the deal in style!
    Wear red high heels, umbrella when it is raining and be in resonance with my smiley cycling face."

    Catarina Fernandes
    Hometown: Lisboa, Portugal
    Currently in København, Danmark to study physics and environmental management, leaving Hopenhagen on the 16.

  16. awesome giveaway! wish i could enter it. i have to visit copenhagen soon!!! i have fallen in love with copenhagen months ago when i found this blog.

  17. A family estate. My wife will own it the time it takes for my daughter to become as stylish and empowered as her mother.

    Hometown: Paris, France.
    I Love Copenhagen.

  18. It will forever change my life as a resident of planet Earth. I'll promote cycling in my hometown as a hip lifestyle.


    Hometown: Montreal, Canada

    Currently living in Denmark

  19. Yes, yes it does have a hemi. Thank you

    Hometown: Calgary, Canada
    Currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Let bikes ride on the bridge would be super cool coffee on the bridge wonderful idea (:

  22. carbon steel?
    carbon fibre?
    carbon dioxide?
    I know what I'd chose for my ride.

  23. To Baisikeli
    it would go to find a home
    with one who needs it.

    A little haiku from someone who can't be there but would love to win it for someone there who needs it : )

  24. My Red Solution for the White Winter:
    Hot red gloves on a chic red bike
    Always bike, in summer, in autumn, in spring, in winter

    Jara P.
    cycling in Munich (Germany)

  25. Slowly, elegantly, rolling through the streets.
    Heads turn as we pass by. They will never look back;
    cause the spring blossoms with a greener soundtrack.

    Tuva Langfeldt
    Hometown: Oslo
    In Copenhagen until Christmas

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I have neither moustache nor stiletto heels. But I do have a vocabulary of stylish clothes and this would be an exceptional exclamation mark...

    Wayne from Melbourne, Australia
    in CPH till 17th December

  29. brilliant entries so far! thanks everyone!

  30. The hottie on bicycle has the right speed to deliver inspiration.

  31. Wayne and his "vocabulary" of stylish clothes has to be the man. He is man enough to ride a girls bike!
    Go Wayne; a tache can always be grown (long live the eighties) probably best to steer clear of the high heels though.

  32. I would cycle in style in that other cyclecity Ghent. With a red bike, you don't care anymore about the rain or the cars coming to close.

    Jasmin, Ghent, Belgium
    but currently in Bella Center, Copenhagen

  33. My chic silhouette cycling through the city, perfectly punctuated with crimson nails and ruby lips, will show the world that saving the planet is sexy.

    Jen Van Sickle
    Ventura, California

    Came to Copenhagen to do International Press and PR for Co2penhagen, the world's first carbon-neutral music festival.

  34. Let me take this redilicious style icon to commit me as an environmental beacon in my grim northern England town

  35. Let Baisikeli collect it and use where it is needed--in Africa. That is environmental and stylish just to let it go!

  36. I will ride naked around in the nighttime only wearing my pumps and a bloodred lipstick

    Beaullitta Harryson,San Fransisco,USA

  37. Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, USA11 December 2009 at 21:53

    Copenhagen Haiku

    oh red bicycle
    together we make the world green
    earth will smile again

  38. I recycle bicycles into art for my part in environmental consciousness.
    For whoever wins this contest, a good idea, I will happily send them a free bikengruvin bicycle t-shirt. http://www.bikengruvin.com
    Just write me at my site.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I have to quickly book a (fossil carbon consumming) flight to Copenhagen in order to get some chance to win this wonderful bicycle !

  41. Studine, this is a love story. We'll meet in Copenhagen, if you'll wait. You, in your red dress, and I, will make things green.

    Allison Yan
    Toronto, Canada
    (will be in CPH January 2!)

  42. I'll wash the night streets in a flash of red, crushing the bones of cynicism and despair. Doubts and fears will vanish in my wake.

    Kara D.
    Washington, DC

  43. hej Studinealiciousness, let us push off together, me, a blur of neutral grace, heels leaving no carbon footprint, and you, my fiery, functional, fabulous muse.

    from san francisco, in københavn now. thanks cycle chic, what a great contest!

  44. I will emancipate Canberra from Lycra. Canberrans need living proof that you don't have to be a competitive athlete to enjoy speed, convenience and STYLE!

  45. By the way, "anonymous" who posted her comment at 16.39 is Jane from Canberra - I wouldn't want the wrong anonymous Canberran to win this bike just because I forgot I had a Google account. Cheers, Jane.

  46. O! how this red Machine complements my dreams of Green! Together forever may they ride in Style.

    Austin B.
    Malibu, CA

  47. Gloomy grey winter day?
    I wanna ride my bike today!
    Cycling, saving, having fun.

    from Munich
    (Am I the last to participate?)

  48. I came in last! But will I be the first?

  49. I’m doubly disqualified by virtue of being late and a few thousand miles away. Mark Boise, Idaho, USA
    “USD1300? Sell it and buy 52 $25 bikes for U.S. immigrant kids. With no anti-bike stigma, they’re the future of our country. One per week.”
