10 December 2009

Cycle Chic and Friends in San Francisco

I've blogged a bit about my recent visit to San Francisco and declared my bike love for my friends 'over there'. Adrienne, Kristin and Meli.

I also blogged photos from the Halloween Critical Mass here, here, here and here.

The little film above is about a bike ride we went on the day after Critical Mass. Just riding around the city and hanging out and having a good time. Like the lyrics suggest, I'm a lucky man.


  1. Great video... you make us feel like we where there !
    I have being in San Francisco two years ago and ride from the city to the other side of the bay, and with your video I feel there again.
    Thanks for your great work !

  2. good stuff! So great to see you and the gals together and seeing the familiar cycle routes, you even passed the house I stayed in (Marina)! Did you guys cross the bridge too? Speed down to Sausalito? Oh, to be back there ;)

  3. What a great city, and what a beautiful place to ride around...

  4. Videos like this make it all worthwhile - what could be more beautiful and simple than a group of friends just out there doing their thing on their bikes? It's the best form of cycle advocacy that we have.

    Thanks for sharing

  5. This made me tear up ~ so nicely done. You followed part of my old bicycle commute to work and the beach I used to take my dog. What a lovely portrayal of the City. Thank you.

  6. thanks for sharing, it was like a two minute vacation that is only a click away. I have yet to meet Ade Meli and Kristin in person, but thanks to the inspiration and interactions with the cycle chic community, I continue on this exploration of style and with the help of two wheels, strangers become friends.


  7. Cheers, Mikael for this, for me, nostalgic flashback to my 2 months living in Berkeley...
    My spine chilled...

  8. I love seeing my world from someone else's perspective! San Francisco is such a beautiful place and I sometimes forget to appreciate it, or the wonderful people I get to experience it with : )

  9. I like your blog ^_^

    i also found another blog have some bicycle:


    Have a nice day!

  10. Beautiful! I had the same thought as Adrienne: I forget sometimes how beautiful this city is. And now that I have conquered my fears of riding here (after moving here from Germany, I am bike lane spoiled), your video makes me want to get out and explore this city on wheels, right now. Thanks!!!

  11. I enjoyed your lecture when you were here, and I fondly remember the few times I've been able to ride with Adrienne, James and Kristen. I haven't been out to San Francisco in awhile but soon. That sunny weekend you filmed seemed so long ago and is both moving and inspiring. Till then my daily trips around Berkeley will suffice. Thank you.

  12. @Amsterdamize- stop wishing and just get your butt out here! Meli and Kristen and I can make sure we escort you over the bridge to a place that won't take all of your tourist dollars for a beer : )

    @Willow- if you are in SF, come find us! We love having new people to ride with!

    @Joe- I think you need to come to SFBC Christmas lights ride!

  13. mikael, it was great having you and riding all over. badassé indeed.

    October was a quite the month in so many ways, this video is nice reminder of how much I love my city, bikes, my friends and the connectivity that people with common interests around the globe, will eventually connect and someday meet and have fun while at it.

  14. Lucky man, indeed! The video is awesome.

  15. Hi Mikael, Lovely video montage! No surprise that you really captured the weekend. Thanks for putting it together. We miss you! VeloLove and Peace!
