21 November 2009

Sun at Last

Sun at Last #1
As Mikael noticed the other day, the hours of sun so far for november could be counted on one hand. So when we finally got a full day of sun here yesterday, I just could not stay inside although I really should have been working. I am sure I was not the only one enjoying some light.
Sun at Last #2
All styles were on display from the perfectly matched to...
Sun at Last #3
...the not quite so minimalist.


Saschi said...

Happy lifestyle of Cystitis and deafness. Not only ignorance but also stupidity obviously can be a valid point of view....

Colville-Andersen said...

brilliant photos, lars. i was so frustrated to be at home with 40 degree fever on the first day of sun in ages but i knew you'd be out there.

saschi... i have no idea what that comment means but i'll bet it's your usual fearmongering.

garciamadrid said...

I like your blog. great discover!!!
I´m going to have my bike and ruuuunnn


nadine said...

I like your blog, it's very original, I'm going often and I'm "fan"

Klaus Mohn said...

Don't know how selective you were, but it looks like you were not the only ones frustrated about the grey dampness... only those ladies chose to look dress up HOT HOT HOT when the sun came out. Nice of them to indulge the spectator on the street.

Kristin Tieche said...

These are fantastic pics, Lars!!! Bravo! And the ladies' styles are gorgeous!

Lars Daniel Terkelsen said...


And Saschi: Scientists have proved that it is 100% safer at any time to be dead. And it is most certainly not safe to read this blog.

Saschi said...

Hope you get over your fever and be back on your bike Mikael! In my typical fearmongering I would even say: not nice to have a bad fever! But I am sure you get over it with a good dose of your usual denialism ;-)
Look, what the comment means is: I think you are ruining a good argument by exaggeration. Most "normal" clothes like jeans and jackets are perfect for cycling. But headsets and superduperminiskirts are not. I am looking forward to seeing on your blog the famous Danish Ice swimmers coming back from the beach in December in their bathing trousers, just to prove that you can ride in anything. Sure, there is a whole "bike naked" movement. This is a free country.

André said...

Is the world getting less liberal? Second time in a week that I see in a "forum" someone complaining about what people wear!

The pics are trés chic :)

Stefan Jansson said...

Some great photos here. They all look very chic.

Colville-Andersen said...

i don't see how a German male can possibly have an opinion about whether miniskirts are 'perfect' for cycling or not... :-)

if they weren't perfect for cycling, then hundreds of thousands of women wouldn't be doing it every summer. and headsets? it's individual choice. these cyclists feel safe and secure on their infrastrcture and the headsets are a sign that they do.

Anonymous said...

as a male Copenhagen cyclist I can safely say that the angry German is right. Miniskirts are a traffic hazard. During summertime, again and again I only keep my eyes very select parts of the traffic. I'm not proud of it, but I really can't help it. The only solution I see, is obligatory burka's or something like that.


Anonymous said...

Fred - you kill me! I nearly choked on my lunch reading that comment.

Riding with headphones is the best.

Kapitan said...

Holy crap, any of those girls would've made me crash my bike. If all else fails, I'll get me a hot beverage cart on a Copenhagen corner. Never a boring day.

Saschi said...

OK, the comments explain a lot about the crowd here...
I am just PISSED by these kind of girls because headphones mean that you just dont care whats around you. Mikael, I am damn sure THEY feel safe, but I can list you situations were they made OTHERS very unsafe (not the guys with the very big eyes). They are imitating the BOOM BOOM - fuck you all motorists here.... NO - that does NOT mean that I dont see the Elephant and NO this is not fearmongering, but just asking for a little bit of common sense. NO, I dont say that cycling is more dangerous than other things, I just care more about it and do it more often than other things... By the way, if you have seen friends dead and others hurt badly as a consequence of quite similar behaviour the term "fearmongering" sounds a bit cynical. Not that I am too sensitive, and it is nice to be confident like you are, but sometimes you can get in a mental tunnel be being too confident. So maybe

Colville-Andersen said...

of course it's fearmongering. you actually wrote the classic fearmongering text: "if you have seen friends dead and others hurt badly... etc etc"

you have no science or statistics to back up your claims. here on this blog, and on copenhagenize.com, we promote cycling positively. because it's a good thing for the individual and for society.

i know you don't agree with us and seem to prefer to scare people away. so be it.

you don't define common sense for the rest of us. you can choose how you like to ride but don't go wagging your finger at the rest of us.

this blog celebrates urban cycling. i think I saw 50-60 cyclists wearing headphones today in Copenhagen. who cares. it's their choice. they certainly don't bother anyone.