23 November 2009

Launch Party

Blue and Green
The all-important moment where the bicycle is pushed into motion.


  1. Oh! Luscious pistachio bike with vanilla wheels (and vanilla mane on girl, too!).

  2. ...and there is another set of driving gloves, red this time.

  3. This act of pushing the bike is probably more typical in Northern Europe, just because of the hub brakes.
    Where these brakes are not used, people simply turn the pedals back to the top position, and go !

  4. the bicycle is a stationary object. it can only be propelled into motion through human-power. however that human does it is irrelevant. it is still necessary to acheive momemtum and that has little to do with brakes.

  5. I think the point is that a bike with coaster brakes typically requires more of a skateboard style push to get going because of the crank position after stopping. It is an interesting observation.

  6. Interesting, but I think it's wrong. Most people who use the pedal-brake quickly find a way to stop almost completely, and then use the last half meter before the stop-line to turn their pedals to their favoured position.
    I prefer to start with my foot on the top-most pedal, but I see enough people doing differently, that I believe it may be a conscious choice.

  7. I do as William does. Stop and coast a bit so I end up with my push off foot at the top. However I just learned the whole start a bike with one's foot on the pedal this fall. Prior to that I did a push with my foot.
