7 November 2009

Coolest Bike Parking in the World

Biomega at W Hotel SF 01
I've not seen such cool bike parking in ages. At my hotel in San Francisco - the W Hotel - they have three Danish Biomega bicycles for guests to use free. Okay, three isn't much, but it's what they do with them that counts.
Biomega at W Hotel SF 02
It's like a museum the way they hang them up on the wall like that. You ask the valet for a bicycle and he walks over with a crank and proceeds to lower - slowly and cerimoniously - the bicycle to the ground. Now THAT is style over speed!

Mikael and the Biomega
I rode the bicycle during the Halloween Critical Mass and the next day, too, with some friends. A one-speed on the hills of San Francisco. Easy peasy. Photo by Kristin somewhere on Valencia.

Here's what other bikes I've been riding whilst travelling.


  1. Dude! I took that photo of you in front of Radio Habana. Valencia & 22nd!

  2. doh! those margueritas were potent. mistake corrected, girlfriend. sorry! :-) xo

    at least i got the right city and even street... :-)

  3. Hahaha! Those margaritas were good! xo

  4. P.S. Way to rock the single speed!

  5. LOL a valet and a crank for three bikes. Look at this one, 6,000 bikes.


  6. Nice parking, but a bike valet sounds even better!

  7. Add "bicycle parking valet" to my list of Jobs I Should Have Instead of the Job I Have Now.

  8. @Jonathan - Baseball season is around the corner and I know Nathan (of AT&T Park Valet Bike Parking) will need a break so he can finally watch a Giants' game from inside the ballpark.
