14 October 2009

No, No Not Yet!

Winter Rainbow
This is where we're heading but please... please not yet. Let's enjoy the crisp autumn days. Please.


Elodie said...

yikes! time to take the bus!


Slim Girl Diary

Colville-Andersen said...

why would you want to take the bus?! 400,000 people in copenhagen continues to cycle through the winter.

Txell said...

cycling through the snow is a great experience, is like moving in slow motion

my hyggelig said...

too late for us...

Anonymous said...

same thing in québec, we had snow two days ago... Please Nature mother let us enjoy autumn. Anyway, Copenhagen you rock !!!!!!! Ridding on snow, I love it !!!! Thinking seriously to come in Denmark after my Ph.D.

Thank for your blog !!! Inspiring !!!!


Urbanplannercyclisthousebuilderetc... said...

Crisp workday mornings with shades riding towards the sun and Bryggebridge...
Please stay a little longer ;-)

Anonymous said...

Much rather ride in snow than rain!

Gratistotal said...

ohhhh, fucking weather!

Unknown said...

HA! great shot! ...but yes, I'm already over the cold.

kfg said...

They're telling me I'll get a taste of that on Friday. I like riding in the snow, but not the slushy stuff; and I think it's way, WAY too early in the year for it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I envied you in July when it was 38c where I am. I pity you now that it is 25c here and "Gawdawful" there.

Unknown said...

The part of Ontario that I live in, we generally don't see snow until mid to late November.
With how cold it has been the past week though, we're not to far off from seeing the white stuff.

André said...

WHAT?! Here in Portugal we have 30ºC!! There´s people on the beaches! The weather is definitely INSANE!! CPH global warming reunion is coming!!!! Obama in a bicycle??

Cheers from Portugal! Where i just foud the perfect bike...price? 1200€... But it´s a beauty! Oh if i was in Copenhagen...and i was rich xD

Lovely Bicycle! said...

Can't wait! I love snow : )

That cyclist look like Red Riding Hood - basket and all!

Anonymous said...

Am I crazy if I say that I WOULD love to ride my bike in CPH during the winter time, specially if it has snowed?? Never done it. Though, it cannot be this winter, I'm afraid, since I have to come back to Sevilla in 2 weeks....but who knows, there's still time, right?? :-)

Btw, I'm pretty much enjoying the autumn days here :-D