26 October 2009

Cycle Chic Advert

Dior hops on the Cycle Chic bike lane.
Perfectly, splendidly, gorgeously.


  1. Is it just me or is anyone else sick of cycling being the latest fashion trend?

  2. If it get's the fashionista's off their SUV and onto bikes it's all good.
    Besides it's nice to see beautiful women on bikes instead of watching out for them on suburban tractors. Lol

  3. A photo for you from the Sartorialist

    Pierre GEnova-Italy


  4. @That's Not My Age-Hey. Stop hatin'. it isn't about fashion, it is a PSA. A little stinky at the end of your ride? Use Channel! Anyway, how bad is it to have a fad that can actually improve the planet? Would you complain if recycling and refusing to use oil were the big fad?

  5. what an odd comment. if urban cycling is to return to the forefront of peoples' consciousness, we need every pixel in adverts to do that.

    otherwise we'd just be back to having a tiny sub-culture of sweaty speedsters blowing through red lights.

    we need to mainstream cycling again in the interest of traffic calming, liveable cities, pollution reduction, etc etc etc.

    bring it on.

  6. That's Not My Age said...
    "Is it just me or is anyone else sick of cycling being the latest fashion trend?"

    I think it is just you, it is great to see positive images of cycling, anything that brings cycling as everyday transport back into the mainstream has got to be good.

  7. More to the point...

    OMG NO HELMET! How daaaaaaaaaangerous!

  8. Hello - me again. Ooh that got a reaction! Just to clarify, obviously I love cycling, and yes it is a wonderful, positive thing that so many more people are taking to two wheels these days. It's just that I don't really see the point of the bike in this image, it feels a bit irrelevant. Though maybe Adrienne's right - perhaps Dior are promoting a quick spritz of the perfume after a sweaty bike ride into work.

  9. (This happened way before I saw the advert. But I actually bought some Chanel perfume as a way to help my oder thing due to biking! And I swear it helps!)

  10. TNMA: On the one hand I can understand and even empathize with where you're coming from. I am an American who started dressing in "Aussie Chic" when Kennedy was president. In the 80's I experienced a bit of annoyance at suddenly being considered just another trend follower just for staying where I had been nearly my whole life; on the other hand:

    . . .have you had the same reaction when looking at ads with CARS in them? Isn't it about time that cars as the latest fashion trend gave way a bit?

  11. Elegant, monochromatic bike, baggage and background. Dynamic, stylish pink with primary accents. Attentive, on the pedal, posing---no helmet needed. The bicycle has been elevated to desirable accessory.

  12. I'm starting to see bicycles used more and more in commercial settings.

    Just yesterday I saw two bikes in a trendy store and a bike photo placed in a front window - all vintage bikes.

    Or maybe it's just Santa Barbara.

  13. I have a bike with the stamp on the handlebars only its stamp battle-b can some one tell me who makes it
