8 September 2009

September Sun

Rush hour

Rush hour does not seem so bad when an appropriately warm september breeze flows through the city.


  1. Great shot.

    Can you add photos to your RSS feed so I can see the photos in my rss reader?


  2. Wow, this is a fabulous shot! Go her!

  3. There is something about the change in the light and the air that just brings the best out of us all. Great capture of that moment!

  4. How in the world do you pedal in a skirt like that? Anybody have any ideas?

  5. Push down of the foremost pedal; rinse and repeat.

  6. Also pay attention to the way she fixes her bag on the bike!


  7. I was so dazzled by the poetic beauty of the shot that I didn't realise at first that she is performing a shoulder check.

  8. The light is near perfect. Good capture.

  9. Now I don't want to read a comment like, 'Her shoelace is going to get caught in the spokes!'
    Or, 'Wheel needs trueing'.

    (The bag comment above was borderline.)

    She's not doing a shoulder check. She's just turning her head just so, so we can see her neck and face from this exact angle. Sublime.
    Bloody heavenly.
    (The photo, I mean.)


  10. Thanks all!
    BTW I have just added "view large" links on my photos on flickr, so you should be able to see this somewhat bigger.

  11. Yes Sir, I like your style! Great shot, great site, great philosophy.

  12. If I didn't know your blog I would think this was professional shot for a fashion magazine with a whole crew and lights etc...
    Really well done!

  13. One of those serendipitous scenes that just fall together in the right way. Lovely shot. Three layers in the picture: the wall with its black windows and their rigid grid; standing out in front of them, the two individuals with their white shirts glowing in the light; then the c'p'hagen c'pigen popping out of the picture, flying out of the flat grid of the background, her black skirt against the white of the wall and the white shirts, forming a vertical triangle with her bike's wheels, her skirt the nexus of a large X between the wheels and the windows, and her hair flying in the air like the Cycles Gladiator poster girl, as the white of her frame pulls her up and out to the left side of the image, leading the eye past the white shirt of the walking man... but the fact her head is turned off to her left, in all that motion, gives the picture an air of non-chalant detachment...


  14. Lars -
    In a word: "Awesome"
    In a few words, Kiwehtin above said it best.

    Hats off yet again!

  15. breeze? we are suffering the worst summer heat

  16. everyone in copenhagen is so slim! its dangerous to ride a bike in london because you get knocked about and there isnt the same consideration for cyclists as you would find there. i want to visit! elodie

    Slim Girl Diary

  17. This one will look great in next year's calendar!

  18. So...23 comments? :D

    Stunning picture!!!

  19. Good photographic record. It seems to me a perfect picture of the lifestyle in Copenhagen. It made me go back in time... Congratulations!

  20. Beauty and the green machine indeed.
