22 September 2009


Gloves Of Power
What´s a little morning rain, when you are wearing the magic Gloves Of Power.


  1. Now THOSE are gloves I don't see every day. Or ANY day for that matter. Which might be just as well, because I think she scares me.

  2. Fashionable in the Rain...Love her outfit & bike.

  3. I find the look and the lady - classy.

  4. But how does her hair stay so nice in the rain? She's other-worldly.

  5. I think this is a Super-Heroine who is only halfway out of her costume. Looks great! I'm also impressed by the photographer's reflexes.

  6. Ah, but does she have the lasso of truth with her? If not, the gloves are just gloves ; )

  7. The shot was taken from the wrong angle, we can't see if she has a fender sticker that reads "My other bike is invisible".

  8. Amazing look!

    I also like the bicycle a lot!

  9. It ain't a mixte, and I like mixtes, but it is the modern, functional equivalent. Best all around "sporty" city bike design, male or female; and put them, into, the. . .

    Oh, sorry. Got carried away there for a moment. I'll go away now.

  10. Wow! You caught Catwoman on her way to work.

  11. Adrienne, I am sure the Lasso Of Truth is in the basket.
    And for reflexes, yes I am actually proud of it myself :-) I was in my car (yes, that serves a purpose sometimes) speaking with my daughter, waiting in the middle of this street as she caught the corner of my eye. Right hand hits window button, grabs camera and BAM, first shot of the day. She was going quite fast too, as people often speed up when it starts to rain.
