2 September 2009

Czech This Out

Czech exhibition poster
If any of you are in the neighbourhood of Pardubice, in the Czech Republic, on the 16th of September, I'll be speaking about Copenhagen's bicycle culture there. In addition, a series of my photographs will adorn the lampposts of the city throughout European Mobility Week.


  1. Well I'm from Czech Republic but from capital city Prague.
    I'm daily reader of your Cycle Chic because it's my vision of my city ... sometime (hopefully).

    I will try to manage the visit Pardubice in that time ...

  2. Don't you have any bike pumps in Copenhagen?

  3. sure, but it's just a bike. a tool. a way to get from a to b.

    we don't bother with the maintenence thing. :-)

  4. Cool! Who would expect this. I live in Brno. I´will do my best to come.

  5. but seriously, that is a silly answer Mikael. One should of course take care of ones toools as well, which most people do. I actually think it's a shame how little copenhageners in general know about bike maintenence. It should be taught in school or something.

    It is so much more fun to ride your bike from a to b with correctly inflated tires and a well adjusted chain.

  6. it's not really a silly answer. it reflects the reality of how people are.

    we will never ever have a nation of bike mechanics. people who are interested in such things would like to see that, but it will never happen.

    these people cycle because it's quick and easy. that's it. the majority don't give a toss about their bikes.

    there is a beauty in that, I think.

    we've had billions of people sending letters with stamps for 150 odd years. licking them and slapping them on the envelope.

    but there are only a few stamp collectors. i'm sure that most stamp collectors wish more people took more care when placing the stamp on the envelope and wished they enjoyed the aesthetic aspects of postage, but that hasn't happened. people use stamps like tools. they serve a simple purpose.

    just like the bicycle.

  7. It takes a serious bike geek to notice that her tire is flat...

  8. I agree with anonymous, how on earth did you notice the low tire when you have those beautiful legs in those lovely tights to view...?

    Mikael I love your answer and your analogy as well.
    There is a beauty in bicycling "just because" - an almost soul soothing beauty in it all.

  9. Nice legs! Not in a million years would I have gotten past the legs, to notice the tire. Besides, I'd worry more about overinflation, because the ride gets too bumpy. I think she deserves a smooth ride.

  10. Previous poster is right, the legs are too good. And so the flat is hard to spot at first :-)))
    P.S. And yes, Czech cities need some proper cycling enlightenment, ASAP!!!
