28 August 2009


Cool Cycle Chica *
This is a Cycle Chic classic shot, but I stumbled across it in the archives. Lovely old bicycle, cool basket, quirky squeaky toy instead of a bell, umbrella in the basket, cool street mix of styles and killer heels.



  1. Hi Mikael. I'm trying to send you a photo of San Sebastian, Spain, but I cannot see your e-mail.

    I was there last weekend and I was totally amazed on how many bikes (and how cool ppl on them, are!) there are there. I live in Sevilla, and though in the last 2-3 years we have seen an explosion of bikes everyhwere, what I saw in San Sebastian was closer of what I've seen in Copenhagen, but in much a smaller scale.

    I'd love to send you the pic, but also you can see it in my blog (the title is Donostia)...

    I wish I had your skills, because I couldn't catch nearly none of the ppl on their bikes that caught my eye!

  2. All clear - from the archives! The outfit would have been keen for these summer days...


  3. thanks.
    the email is on the right column.
    Guest photo? Fire off an email.

  4. Are squeaky toys common in place of bells? I only ask because I got some hard stares from a cyclist a month or so ago here in the UK when I didn't move out of the way on a shared path. It never occured to me that the squeaky toy noise I heard in the distance behind me might have been a cyclist. I rather foolishly thought it was just a squeaky toy.

    Ring a proper bike bell and I'd jump out of the way, no problem.

  5. ok im not mikael, but i'm procrastinating so, i'll say you see them here and there, but not much. I think in copenhagen maybe you would react to the squeaky duck because being on the bike path you would assume any strange sound behind you were a "bell" signal. My bell was stolen, so i've just been clicking my brake levers the last year, and that works.

    It's funny with some of the tourists here in Copenhagen when they either rent a bike or just walk on the bike path, clearly when you ring the bike bell behind them they wonder about that strange ringing noise again, now they've been hearing it all day, and are wondering if it has some meaning.

    - fred

  6. thanks, frederik, for answering.

    i agree. a squeak won't illicit much response, but you'll hear bells often.

    actually, it's illegal in Denmark to not have a bell and to use a squeaky toy or horn instead.

    frederik... your BELL was stolen?! Never heard that one before... :-)

  7. Love your blog. There is a lot of text in the right column, I can't find your email in all of it. Could it be made slightly more obvious? Thx.

  8. AM, you can see it right under the section 'Posts Of Note', the second white block from the top that reads 'Guest photo? Comment? Fire off an email.' Click that and it will take you right to your e-mail client...or copy this: copenhagenize@gmail.com

    You're quite welcome :)

  9. what are you, my secretary?! :-) thanks, marc.

  10. yes indeed my bell was stolen, not the worst of crimes, but still, i really liked that bell, it had a very nice ring...

    the thing is my street was at one point haunted by kids that had made a hobby out of steeling stuff from bikes. One time they had either broken or stolen all and I mean ALL the red reflectors from ALL the bikes parked in the street. It was very stranged.

    regarding the bell by law, it only warrants a warning and not a fine, but you do "in theory" get a fine if you don't have at least one hand on the handlebars, or if you leave your bike un-locked.


  11. Thanks for answers regarding squeaky toys (can't quite believe I've just typed that). I was on a shared bike/pedestrian path (I was a pedestrian at the time) which was very lightly used so I wasn't keeping an eye out for bikes. Still, I've learnt my lesson and next time I hear a squeak I'll look round to check :-)
